Diskussion im Europarat: die Ukraine ergreift deutlich Partei für die Anerkennung von Kosovo‘s Unabhängigkeit. Ich gehe mal davon aus dass die Ukraine für den Beitritt Kosovo‘s in den Europarat (CoE) stimmen wird.
But in the CoE plenary, Ukraine, which does not currently recognise Kosovo, said this would likely change soon.
Member of the Ukrainian parliament and CoE representative Oleksiy Goncharenko said it is in the interest of all countries, including Serbia, to do so.
“I want to appeal to all my colleagues, those countries that have not yet recognised Kosovo’s independence, to do so. Ukraine, my country, is one of them. I sent the bill to the Ukrainian Parliament to recognise the independence of Kosovo, and I am sure this will happen very soon because this is the reality. We have to call things as they are,” he said.
Goncharenko added that Kosovo is an independent state, and now it is time to move forward.
“This is an independent state; it has already happened. And it is in the interest of everyone on this continent to accept the reality and move forward, and I want to turn to the Serbs now, and to Serbia, and say that it is in the best interest of Serbia to do so.”