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Nachrichten aus Griechenland

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Was ich viel lustiger als TuAFs mangelnde Englischkenntnisse finde, ist der Umstand, dass er glaubt gelesen zu haben, die griechische Bevölkerung
würde sich in 6 Jahren halbieren. :lol:

Das einzige was über Jahre schrumpft.......ist das Hirn tuafs.Ich schätze das er in 6 Jahren das IQ eines Säuglings hat;)
neben dem demographischen problem hat gr auch ein flüchtlingsproblem,die lösung wäre doch einfach ,die flüchtlinge einbürgern ,dann hätte man wieder eine junge bevölkerung.

die zahl der flüchtlinge die aus der tr nach gr kommen steigt wieder angeblich sind 500 000 afghanen aus dem irak,iran in die tr geflüchtet mit dem ziel gr.

[h=2]Athens blames Turkey for surge in migrant arrivals[/h] TANIA GEORGIOPOULOU

Greece is pointing the finger of blame for the increased numbers of undocumented migrants flowing into the the Evros region from Turkey on the easing of vigilance by Turkish border authorities.

“There is very strong pressure at the Evros border while at the same time direct contact between local authorities in Greece and Turkey has stopped, which is making the problem worse,” a senior official at the Citizens’ Protection Ministry told Kathimerini.

Meanwhile, reports that some 500,000 Afghans have recently entered Turkey from Iran and Iraq have sparked fears they could be heading for Greece.

Athens has lodged complaints with the European Commission and Ankara over the relaxed stance of Turkish authorities which has allowed migrant-smuggling gangs to reportedly “run riot” – the arrest of 30 in the first week of October alone attest to their growing presence in the region.

According to official data, a total of 1,010 people smugglers were arrested in the period spanning January to August while another 180 were nabbed in September.

Last week, Migration Policy Minister Dimitris Vitsas told Parliament that 3,300 illegal migrants slipped through the Evros border in 2016, while 5,500 crossed in 2017.

The figure has risen exponentially in 2018, with some 12,000 having so far entered the country.

Athens blames Turkey for surge in migrant arrivals | News | ekathimerini.com