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Photoserie aus Slowenien während des 2 WK

Kocevje nach der Schlacht

Deutsche Großoffensive "Wolkenbruch" Oktober 1943

After capitulation of Italy in September 1943 in Slovenian littoral, Istra, Croatian Littoral, Gorski Kotar, Notranjsko and Dolenjsko Italian units were disarmed, large liberated territory created and formed several new brigades and 18th, 30th and 31st Slovenian division of NOVJ. German communication line between Italy and Sava valley was cut or severally disrupted.

On 19th September German High command give order to commander of Army Group B, Field-Marshal Erwin Rommel to suppress uprising and eliminate NOV i POJ forces in Gorski Kotar, east Slovenia, Slovenian littoral, Istra, Croatian Littoral and secure Adriatic coast in that area.

Task was given to 2. SS Armored Corps...

siehe Bilder "Kocevje"oben!
