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PONTOS - musikalisch, historisch, mythologisch, geographisch, politisch

Gibt es in dieser Pontos-Region noch griechischsprechende Leute? Also in Russland, der Ukraine, der Türkei, Rumänien, Georgien usw. Würde mich interessieren. Kommt jemand von euch von dort?

ja ich stamme von dort. Nur meine Großeltern können noch pontisch, meine Mutter kann nur einige Sätze und meine Geschwister und ich leider gar nicht. Die jetzige Generation lernt nicht pontisch weil sie zuhause einfach nur türkisch sprechen.
ja ich stamme von dort. Nur meine Großeltern können noch pontisch, meine Mutter kann nur einige Sätze und meine Geschwister und ich leider gar nicht. Die jetzige Generation lernt nicht pontisch weil sie zuhause einfach nur türkisch sprechen.

Die Situation der Rum-Pontier der TR ist mit den Südslawen zu fyrom natürlich nicht gleichzusetzen, es lässt sich nicht vergleichen.

Die Südslawen sind keine griechischen Elemente, sind in das Gebiet des Balkan zugewandert, und leben seitdem.
Sie können weder als Makedonen noch als sonstige Griechen anerkannt werden, das wäre ein Witz der Geschichte.

Bei den Rum-Pontiern ist es anders: sie sind aus der Osmanischen Zeit heraus islamisierte Griechen, waren nie Türken, und haben jetzt auch nur den türkischen Paß. Deine Antworten geben ausreichend Auskunft, welcher Ethnie sie angehören: KEINEM TURKVOLK.

In diesem Falle ist der Verlust der Sprache zweitrangig, da die politischen Ereignisse seit dem Untergang des Vielvölkerreiches Osmania jedem bekannt sind.
Aus diesem Wissen heraus habe ich bereits mehrfach gepostet, daß die für die Rum-Pontier bekannte politische Haltung auch okay sei.

Die Türkei betrachtet das alles aber mit sehr gemischten Gefühlen, nicht grundlos haben sie einst den Bürger aus Deiner Stadt Of (griech.: OFIS = Schlange) ÖMER ASAN wegen separatistischer Tendenzen in den Knast geworfen, nur weil er ein Buch über die Kultur der Pontier geschrieben hat. Das alles hat sich inzwischen geändert, heute haben die Pontier mehr Rechte.

Die Türkei ist immer ein Teil Europas gewesen, und ist es weiterhin, sie gehört zur EU
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Gibt es in dieser Pontos-Region noch griechischsprechende Leute? Also in Russland, der Ukraine, der Türkei, Rumänien, Georgien usw. Würde mich interessieren. Kommt jemand von euch von dort?

Ja es gibt Pontier in der Türkei, dei griehisch sprechen, auch in Russland, Georgien udn Kasachstan.

Zu den Pontiern in der Türkei:

1) Durch die rassistische türkische Politik wurden viele assimiliert, so das einige ihre Sprache nicht sprechen

2) Durch das rassistische türkische Gesetzt von 1934, mussten alle Minderheiten ihre Namen türkisieren.

The Surname Law of the Republic of Turkey was adopted on June 21, 1934.[1] The law required all citizens of Turkey to adopt the use of surnames.
Turkey's Christian and Jewish citizens were already using surnames, but Muslims generally did not use Western-style surnames. The Surname Law of 1934 aimed to change this.
Surname Law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

3) Durch die Türkisierungspolitik im osmanischen Reich

Turkification in the late Ottoman era

During the 19th century and early 20th century, the Ottoman Empire was composed of ethnically diverse populations such as Arabs, Albanians, Greeks, Bulgarians, Pomaks, Armenians, Kurds, Zazas, Circassians, Assyrians, Jews, and Laz people.

With the rise of Turkish nationalism, an ideal among some Turkish nationalists was to form a modern homogenized nation state.[34] One of its main supporters was sociologist and political activist Ziya Gokalp who believed that a modern state must become homogeneous in terms of culture, religion, and national identity.[35] This conception of national identity was augmented by his belief in the primacy of Turkishness, as a unifying virtue. As part of this belief, it was necessary to purge from the territories of the state those national groups who could threaten the integrity of a modern Turkish nation state.[36][37] As a result of this policy, the Young Turk government launched a series of initiatives which marginalized, isolated, incarcerated, altered borders, deported, forcefully assimilated, exchanged populations, massacred and conducted genocide against its non-Turkish minority populations.[38] These policies resulted in the Armenian Genocide, Greek Genocide and Assyrian Genocide. The Anatolian Greeks numbered around 1.5 million people, most of them had fled to Greece after the Greco-Turkish War (1919-1922).[39]

This has been considered as ultimately completing a “Turkified” state.[40]

The lingual Turkification of Greek-speakers in the 19th century Anatolia is well documented. Speros Vryonis, providing some relevant accounts, believes that the Karamanlides are the result of partial turcification that occurred earlier, during the Ottoman period.

4) Durch die Türkisierungspolitik im Kemalismus

Turkification under the Turkish Republic

When the Turkish Republic was founded, nationalism and secularism were two of the founding principles.[42] Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the leader of the early years of the Republic, aimed to create a nation state (Turkish: Ulus) from the Turkish remnants of the Ottoman Empire. Kemalist ideology defines the "Turkish People" as "those who protect and promote the moral, spiritual, cultural and humanistic values of the Turkish Nation."[43] One of the goals of the establishment of the new Turkish state was to ensure “the domination of Turkish ethnic identity in every aspect of social life from the language that people speak in the streets to the language to be taught at schools, from the education to the industrial life, from the trade to the cadres of state officials, from the civil law to the settlement of citizens to particular regions.”[44]

The process of forced Turkification continued with the Turkish republic with such policies as:
Citizen speak Turkish! (Turkish: Vatandaş Türkçe konuş!) - An initiative created by law students but sponsored by the Turkish government which aimed to put pressure on non-Turkish speakers to speak Turkish in public in the 1930s.[45][46][47][48][49][50][51] In some municipalities, fines were given to those speaking in any language other than Turkish.[48][52][53][54][55][56]
Surname law - The surname law forbid certain surnames that contained connotations of foreign cultures, nations, tribes, and religions.[47][51][57][58] As a result, many ethnic Armenians, Greeks, and Kurds were forced to adopt last names of Turkish rendition.[57] Names ending with “yan, of, ef , viç, is, dis , poulos, aki, zade, madumu, veled, bin” (names that denote Armenian, Russian, Greek, Albanian, Arabic, Kurdish, and other origins) could not be registered, they had to be replaced by “-oğlu.”[59]
Animal name changes in Turkey - An initiative by the Turkish government to remove any reference to Armenia and Kurdistan in the Latin names of animals.[60][61][62][63][64][65][66][67]
Confiscated Armenian properties in Turkey - An initiative by the Ottoman and Turkish governments which involved seizure of the assets, properties and land of the Armenian community of Turkey.[68] The policy is considered a nationalization and Turkification of the country's economy by eliminating ownership of non-Turkish minorities which in this case would be of the Armenian community.[69]
Geographical name changes in Turkey - An initiative by the Turkish government to replace non-Turkish geographical and topographic names within the Turkish Republic or the Ottoman Empire, with Turkish names,[70][71][72] as part of a policy of Turkification.[73][74][75] The main proponent of the initiative has been a Turkish homogenization social-engineering campaign which aimed to assimilate or obliterate geographical or topographical names that were deemed foreign and divisive against Turkish unity. The names that were considered foreign were usually of Armenian, Greek, Laz, Bulgarian, Kurdish, Assyrian, or Arabic origin.[70][72][74][75][76] For example, words such as Armenia were banned in 1880 from use in the press, schoolbooks, and governmental establishments and was subsequently replaced with words like Anatolia or Kurdistan.[77][78][79][80][81]
1934 Resettlement Law (also known as the Law no. 2510) - A policy adopted by the Turkish government which set forth the basic principles of immigration.[82] The law however is regarded in academia as a policy of forceful assimilation of non-Turkish minorities through a forced and collective resettlement.[83]
Article 301 (Turkish Penal Code) - An article of the Turkish Penal Code which makes it illegal to insult Turkey, the Turkish ethnicity, or Turkish government institutions. It took effect on June 1, 2005, and was introduced as part of a package of penal-law reform in the process preceding the opening of negotiations for Turkish membership of the European Union (EU), in order to bring Turkey up to the Union standards.[84][85]
Varlik Vergisi ("Wealth tax" or "Capital tax") - A Turkish tax levied on the wealthy citizens of Turkey in 1942, with the stated aim of raising funds for the country's defense in case of an eventual entry into World War II. Those who suffered most severely were non-Muslims like the Jews, Greeks, Armenians, and Levantines, who controlled a large portion of the economy.[86] Though it was the Armenians who were most heavily taxed.[87] It is argued, a main reason for the tax was to nationalize the Turkish economy by reducing minority populations' influence and control over the country's trade, finance, and industries.
Turkification was also prevalent in the educational system of Turkey. Measures were adopted making Turkish classes mandatory in minority schools and making use of the Turkish language mandatory in economic institutions.[88]
Turkification - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wie Krank der türkische Staat ist sieht man daran das man auch die Namen einiger Tiere änderte.
2) Durch das rassistische türkische Gesetzt von 1934, mussten alle Minderheiten ihre Namen türkisieren.

The Surname Law of the Republic of Turkey was adopted on June 21, 1934.[1] The law required all citizens of Turkey to adopt the use of surnames.
Turkey's Christian and Jewish citizens were already using surnames, but Muslims generally did not use Western-style surnames. The Surname Law of 1934 aimed to change this.
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The surname law also forbade certain surnames that contained connotations of foreign cultures, nations, tribes, and religions.[2][3][4][5] As a result, many ethnic Armenians, Greeks, and Kurds were forced to adopt last names of a more Turkish rendition, [2] sometimes directly translating their original surnames, or otherwise just replacing markers such as Pontic Greek '-ides' (son of) with Turkish '-oğlu'.
Lange gesucht und wieder gefunden, ein weiteres Beispiel der Gemeinsamkeit, gäbe es das Thema der Religion nicht.
Ist diese Aussage schon bekannt?

Άπό τούς Έλληνες πήραμε τήν χώρα αυτή
στούς Έλληνες θά τήν επιστρέψουμε

ο νομάρχης της πόλης, Μεχμέτ Τζεμάλ Ασμή, σε σύντομη τελετή παραδόσεως της Τραπεζούντας, είπε στον Μητροπολίτη Χρύσανθο και στους πρόκριτους της Τραπεζούντας, λίγες μέρες πριν μπουν στην πόλη τα Ρωσικά στρατεύματα αρχές τού 20. αι.)

Äußerung des Stadtregenten der Stadt Trapezous Mehmet Cemal Asme.
Bitte für die türkischen Freunde ins deutsche übersetzen, damit auch sie die Inhalte eines hohen osmanischen Beamten verstehen können.