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Projekte in der Serbischen Provinz Vojvodina

Master Centar
Predviden je kao reprezentativni poslovni objekat. Sadržajno obuhvata sajamski hol-aulu s glavnim ulazom, izložbenu halu s galerijom, kongresnim salama, poslovni centar s lokalima i poslovnim apartmanima i hotel tipa "garni".

Ulazni plato - predviden je kao pešacki prostor kojim se obezbeduje kontakt posetilaca s unutrašnjim sadržajima. Pristup platou moguc je vozilima taksija, javnog gradskog prevoza i individualnim vozilima na, za to predvidenom, zaustavnom delu.

Prilazna površina obezbedena je natkrivenim delom trga, a položaj glavnog ulaza naglašen je arhitektonski oblikovanom nadstrešnicom.

Aula koncepcijski predstavlja natkriveni zatvoreni prostor glavnog ulaza i objedinjuje više funkcionalnih celina. Predvidena je na prostoru sadašnjeg glavnog ulaza, orijentisana ka Hajduk Veljkovoj ulici, gde je postavljen i glavni ulaz u prostor Sajma.

Biznis centar s hotelom tipa "garni" predviden je kao rubni objekt uz izložbenu sajamsku halu. Direktno je povezan sa sadržajima aule i konferencijskim salama na galeriji u delu izložbene hale.

Garni hotel - u delu objekta prema Ulici brace Popovic, na višim etažama predviden je prostor hotela tipa "garni" sa šest jednokrevetnih, 25 dvokrevetnih soba i dva apartmana visokog nivoa opremljenosti.



Dalton Centar
I can't find a website for it yet, but I found the pictures on a Slovenian Students' website. They took these pictures while they were touring through Novi Sad.



Extension of Matica Srpska Library
The Matica srpska (lit. "Serbian matrix", meaning "parent body of the Serbs") was founded in 1826 in Budapest and moved to Novi Sad in 1864.

The Matica Srpska Society was one of the initiators of the Novi Sad Agreement on the Serbo-Croat language (1954), led the action for making the unique orthography of the language (1960). They compiledThe Vocabulary of Serbian Standard Literary Language in six volumes (1967-1976).

In Yugoslavia, Matica srpska was one half of a joint project (with Matica hrvatska) to develop a common Serbo-Croatian dictionary. Mid-way through the project (1967), Matica hrvatska, in accordance with the declaration of principles about the Croatian language, discontinued, and Matica srpska was to finish the dictionary on her own.

Matica srpska publishes the Letopis Matice srpske magazine, which is one of the oldest in the world, being continuously published since 1824.

The Law of the Matica Srpska Society (1986) regulates matters of endowment and legacy, given by the national benefactors, and how monies are spent for various cultural and educational purposes.

Pariski Magazin
Pariski Magazin is a smaller-sized shopping mall. These smaller shopping malls tend to be placed in the older parts of the city and fit in quite well with their surroundings.

und da soll mal einer sagen serbien würde verhungern und so ein scheiss....
abgesehen von Hellas die unter anderem den vorteil haben in der EU zu sein hat serbien ein starken wirtschafts-wachstum.
Andere Länder wie Albanien die keine Kriege wie serbien hatte liegt da weit, aber sehr weit hinten.

Das ist deswegen so erstaunlich, weil Sebien ja so viele Kriege hatte, dazu kommen noch die nATO Bomben die das Land sehr beschädigt hatten....
naja....ausser denn viele toten der Nato bomben hat das bomben den Vorteil mit sich gebracht das die Konjuktur Positiv zu verzeichnen ist.
