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Lets compare the actual real numbers and have a look to see if dying from tobacco consumption could be an actual problem.
Let's add up the total number of people who died from the flowing causes of death in the United States alone and in the year 1998. The number of people who died from AIDS, Alzheimers, Auto Accidents, Bike Accidents, Breast Cancer, Diabetes, Drowning, Drug Reactions, Falls, Fires & Burns, Gun Accidents, Hepatitis, Illegal Drugs, Leukemia, Lightening, Liver Disease, Meningitis, Murder, Pedestrians, Poisoning, Prostate Cancer, Snake Bites, Suffocation, Suicide, Syphilis and Ulcers is:
The number people who died just from tobacco in the US in 1998 is:
You do the math. All those so-called common causes of death don't even add up to the number of people who die from smoking or consume tobacco in other ways. Don't wait until it is too late and you die. You know you want to quit. So do it now! Quit smoking for good! Click below for help.