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Rechtsextremismus in Bulgarien: Türkische Minderheiten bitten PM Erdogan um Hilfe

Das soll wohl jetzt ein Witz sein oder ? Sind das deine neutralen Quellen ?

Wikipedia ?

WELT ONLINE von der Axel AG ? :facepalm:

Und das geile ist ja,dass Wikipedia von irgendwelchen armenischen Autoren die Quellen nimmt :lol:

Vahakn N. Dadrian: The History of the Armenian Genocide: Ethnic Conflict from the Balkans to Anatolia to the Caucasus. Oxford-Providence: Berghahn Books, 2004, ISBN 978-1571816665.

Mihran Dabag: Jungtürkische Visionen und der Völkermord an den Armeniern. In: Dabag / Platt: Genozid und Moderne (Band 1), Opladen 1998, ISBN 3-8100-1822-8.

Waren das deine Quellen ? :lol:
Gib bei google völkermord an armeniern an, du kannst auf fast jeden artikel klicken.

Natürlich,wenn ein Autor 1 Buch verfasst und das wird dann in 100 Sprachen übersetzt,dann kommt da natürlich auch viel raus.Ich merke,dass deine Denkweise sehr begrenzt ist Ivan.Sprechen wir doch über das Massaker der Russen in Tschetschenien oder was ihr mit den ganzen Turkvölkern gemacht habt.Du und deine russischen Freunde habt ja fast die gesamte Welt in die Luft gejagt.Die Russen haben so so viele Atombomben,weil sie keine Taktik besitzen.
ARD und die Deutsche Welle sind 1 Quelle mein Lieber.Beide sind vom selben Verlag.Und diese Quelle von der Universität hat auch nur blind kopiert aus Wikipedia :facepalm: Schaust du dir eigentlich auch mal deine Quellen an ?

Seit wann werden Fernsehsender von einem Verlag herausgegeben? Natürlich eine Universität kopiert ohne kritisch zu sein irgendwas ab und veröffentlicht es.

Bei Armenierfragen ist die Bozkurtzentrale die einzig glaubwürdige Quelle
Were there witnesses to the Armenian Genocide? [top of list]
There were many witnesses to the Armenian Genocide. Although the Young Turk government took precautions and imposed restrictions on reporting and photographing, there were lots of foreigners in the Ottoman Empire who witnessed the deportations. Foremost among them were U.S. diplomatic representatives and American missionaries. They were first to send news to the outside world about the unfolding genocide. Some of their reports made headline news in the American and Western media. Also reporting on the atrocities committed against the Armenians were many German eyewitnesses. The Germans were allies of the Turks in W.W.I. Numerous German officers held important military assignments in the Ottoman Empire. Some among them condoned the Young Turk policy. Others confidentially reported to their superiors in Germany about the slaughter of the Armenian civilian population. Many Russians saw for themselves the devastation wreaked upon the Armenian communities when the Russian Army occupied parts of Anatolia. Many Arabs in Syria where most of the deportees were sent saw for themselves the appalling condition to which the Armenian survivors had been reduced. Lastly, many Turkish officials were witnesses as participants in the Armenian Genocide. A number of them gave testimony under oath during the post-war tribunals convened to try the Young Turk conspirators who organized the Armenian Genocide.

What was the response of the international community to the Armenian Genocide? [top of list]
The international community condemned the Armenian Genocide. In May 1915, Great Britain, France, and Russia advised the Young Turk leaders that they would be held personally responsible for this crime against humanity. There was a strong public outcry in the United States against the mistreatment of the Armenians. At the end of the war, the Allied victors demanded that the Ottoman government prosecute the Young Turks accused of wartime crimes. Relief efforts were also mounted to save "the starving Armenians." The American, British, and German governments sponsored the preparation of reports on the atrocities and numerous accounts were published. On the other hand, despite the moral outrage of the international community, no strong actions were taken against the Ottoman Empire either to sanction its brutal policies or to salvage the Armenian people from the grip of extermination. Moreover, no steps were taken to require the postwar Turkish governments to make restitution to the Armenian people for their immense material and human losses.

Frequently Asked Questions about the Armenian Genocide