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Um den MiG Konzern steht es gerade nicht zum besten. Das Russische Militär setzt zur zeit vor allem auf Sukhoi Flugzeuge!
Also muss ein neues Flugzeug her!
Insbesondere ist wohl ein ersatz für die MiG-31 gedacht.
Und auch die neue MiG soll einige Rekorde aufstellen.
A new MiG-41 aircraft may be developed on the basis of MiG-31 fighter-interceptor
A new MiG-41 aircraft may be developed on the basis of MiG-31 fighter-interceptor, the representative of State Duma’s Defense Committee, deputy Alexander Tarnaev, told the journalists at the Cultural Center of Russian Armed Forces, ITAR-TASS reports.
"The corresponding decision was taken by the Chief of General Staff; he has already signed the document on carrying out the research work in the network of MiG-41 project", - he noted. According to the deputy, MiG-41 “will embody all the advantages of the jet”.
In addition, a few hundreds of MiG-31s may be overhauled and put into service by the Russian air forces, Tarnaev noted. "The government decided to overhaul and put into operation MiG-31 fighter-interceptor", - he said. "This refers to hundreds of jets, which will be operated by the Russian air forces after being overhauled", - the deputy noted. MiG-31 is the two-seat supersonic long-range fighter-interceptor. It was developed by OKB-155 (currently RAC “MiG”) in 1970s.
MiG-31 is intended for interception and annihilation of air targets at low, medium and high altitudes under any lighting and weather conditions; the jet is effective against active and passive electronic radar countermeasures and heat flares. A group of four MiG-31s is able to control the airspace with a length of 800-900 km. Initially it was intended for intercepting cruise missiles and low-altitude satellites.
A new MiG-41 aircraft may be developed on the basis of MiG-31 fighter-interceptor - News - Russian Aviation - RUAVIATION.COM
Mach 4 ist geplant!
MiG working on a new interceptor, capable of Mach 4
Mig 31
The Russian Armed Forces are working on the Mig-41, a new supersonic fighter based on the Mig-31 Foxhound.
According to the famous experimental pilot Anatoliy Kvochur, the MiG-41 is to be capable of reaching speeds above Mach 4, even Mach 4,3. That would make the plane faster than the (now retired) American
SR-71 Blackbird. Currently, the Foxhound is capable of flying at speeds of Mach 2.8.
Nevertheless, while developing a Mach 4+ replacement for the Foxhound, the
Russians will to continue the modernization program of the
Foxhounds, overhauling over 100 aircraft.
MiG-31 is an interceptor based on
MiG-25 Foxbat, with a combat radius of 720 km. A group of four Foxhounds is able to control an area that is 1000km wide; 190 MiG-31s are currently in service within the
Russian Air Force, 100 of those are still flyable.
Jacek Siminski for
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The Aviationist » MiG working on a new interceptor, capable of Mach 4
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