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Son of Zeus - Brother of Hercules - Father of Aesthetics

Also ich muss hier mal was klarstellen.

Zyzz ist eine Fitness-Ikone, er hat das erreicht was viele (auch Prominente) versucht haben, aber nicht geschafft haben. Er hat sich selbst mit der Sache Prominent gemacht. Er hat wirklich super Trainiert, und hat einen wirklich von der aesthetic her, den besten Körper meines Geschmackes.
Ich trainiere selber seit 6 Jahren, und habe damals auch schon auf bodybuilding.com einige seiner Threads mitbekommen und war einer seiner Follower.
Er hat eigene Wörter/Sätze/Zitate geschaffen, die Menschen in ihrem ganzen Leben nicht schaffen, als ob er gewusst hätte das er so früh stirbt, um eine vollkommene Legende zu hinterlassen.

Und ja, Zyzz ist und bleibt auch mein Vorbild!
(das rettet ihn leider auch nicht vor den negativen Aspekten)1. seine Aesthetic ist leider nicht auf sein Training zurück zu führen, sondern an seine Genetik.. er musste natürlich auch keine besonderen Essenspläne einhalten da er eine hervorragende Verbrennung hatte, er musste lediglich Muskeln aufbauen

2. mich hat es natürlich schockiert aber, Ja Zyzz hat Steroide genommen, um genau zu sein "DBOL". Nach seiner eigenen Aussage ca. 2 Jahre seines Trainings, sein Bruder wurde natürlich auch mit Steroiden erwischt und ist vors Gericht gekommen, was natürlich Zyzz endgültig "berühmt" machte als sein Foto in einer sehr beliebten australischen Tageszeitung auftauchte.

Sie haben keine Berechtigung Anhänge anzusehen. Anhänge sind ausgeblendet.

R.I.P. brah.. er inspiriert eine ganze Generation!

Weisst du woher das Bild ist ??
Der hatte damals so was wie nen Twitter Account und hat das selber gepostet,
weil jeder ihm sagte er nehme roids :lol:

Wie sagte Aziz damals,
"even nature isnt as natural as me"


Play before scrolling down

Gigi D'Agostino - L'Amour Toujours ( Official Video ) - YouTube

Zyzz is diety spirit that has encompassed me and taken over my bodily control and functions.
I am merely a personification of the beauty and power of 'the aesthetic', driven and guided by an external diety, 'Zyzz'.

According to legend, Zyzz is the son of Zeus. At time i have limited control of myself, such as now,
but others i am wholly encompassed by this external force that will one day bring about the salvation of humankind.


its not about size, its about symmetry, balance, proportion, and beauty of my physique that some people, not many how much gear, how hard they diet or how hard they train, will never attain. the fact that i have been doing a mix of clean bulking and dirty bulking for the 3 and a half years and never done a proper cut yet stay at 10% or under year round, unlike most bodybuilders who like **** until comps come close.
Basically, when god created man, he had this is mind. Im not a bodybuilder.
im a work of art, and that is thanks to my genetics.


at the end of the day, i have respect for anyone who wants to make a change for themselves and start training and improving their body and health.
In my opinion, the gym/training/dieting lifestyle is by far the most fun and rewarding way to live your life.
The people that laugh at the overweight/obese people in the gym are a disgrace,
i applaud them for having the courage and determination to train and want to make a change for themselves despite the obvious hardships they would face.
At the end of the day, its all up to how much you want it yourself. Some people dont care that much and are happy with their bodies and its not a big issue for them,
good for them, but for anyone to take the piss out of and ridicule anyone trying their best to lose weight/gain muscle and make a change for themselves,
especially if they are finding it hard due to their genetics, make me sick. If you want it, you will get it, and will eventually prove the haters wrong.
And that is one of the best feelings a human being can experience.

Motivational speech by Said Shavershian (High quality download) - YouTube!

Ever since I can remember, I was always that little guy, the guy in the back room, the guy in the corner, the guy who quietly put his hands up to answer questions. The guy who shied away from people, who shied away from cameras, who shied away from the world. I was always the introverted guy, I was always kept to myself, I was always very quiet, you know I never spoke my opinion, I never put forward my voice, I never did anything guys. I sat back and went with the flow and was just on another planet…

Something changed one day. I realized as a young teenagers I couldn’t be like this for the rest of my life, because people who are weak minded like this they don’t go in life, they got no motivation, no determination and they just fucking drip through life like pieces of shit and you know what, If I started to seeing this man, people who’ve paid attention to me, people who would have talked to me and that’s not the bigger issue here, the bigger picture is respect. If you don’t get respect from people one way or another, if no one respects you how are you supposed to respect yourself and growing up as a kid and if you got no respect for yourself you get kind of depressed, you alienate yourself, you have no friends, you can’t talk to girls, you don’t go out, you don’t do anything, you are a loser and do you really wanna be that? We only live once, we got one fucking shot at this life and that’s it and then we’re all fucking dead so we might just do it right, so what did we do, what did I do, what did Aziz do, we changed.

We decided to do what everybody told us we could not do. We went to the gym, we started to train, we started to bettering our life’s, we started to eating healthy,we started to train six days a week and then our life’s slowly started to change. All the people we didn’t like left, they left our life and everyone who fucking brought us down and only put ourselves down, we got rid of them. People change and you’ve got to learn from your mistakes and one thing is for sure, you’re always going to surround yourself with people who motivates you and bring you up, because the people who surround yourself with are the people … … … … who you are as a person, chances are if you hang around with shitcunts, ah shitcunt. If you hang around with smart persons you will be a smart person, you will learn new things so just remember that surround yourself with people that put you up and never put anyone down and just know that time is more valuable and that you have to train hard to fulfill your dream because we don’t have a life time to do this man, you’ve got to chase your dream while you’re still young, when we are still in our prime.

Do what you want to, you wanna be a doctor, a lawyer, a professional bodybuilder, whatever you wanna fucking do you go for it. Don’t listen to what any motherfucker tells you to do, if you wanna do something you do it.

People told me I couldn’t go to the gym, I would never get big, I would never get ripped. You motherfuckers what am I now and I’m still not happy, you know why, not because of everyone else, because I want to keep bettering myself for me, for the gym, for my life and for my brother.

I don’t give a fuck what anyone says, it’s all for me and it’s all for my brother and it’s all for the good of his memories so you just do that for your own reason, everyone got their reason. Find your reason, why do you go to the gym, why do you train, just learn to be yourself and at the end of day you will grow from this, you will meet new people, you will start to learn new things. It just comes down to how motivated you are to do what you love in life, just remember that.

Like I said, we only got one shot at this guys, so it’s up you. You are not proving it to me or anyone else, you are proving it for yourself so go out there and show everyone, show your parents, show your friends the best person you can be, the best person you can possible be, give it a 110% and never look back, chase your dream and be content with your life.

Alter, mir fehlen die Worte....
Respekt, R.I.P Zyzz
Zyzz revolution video update:

Still a few more weeks to go (3-5 weeks) depending on when i recieve unseen footage being sent to me to finish off the video. chasing up people for unseen clips but the video should be ready real soon.

In the mean time heres a snapshot from the video you guys might like.
Zyzz Revolution-video-Update:


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Leute, ich finde im Internet immer wieder neue Videos von dem, aber der muss doch selber einen eigenen Kanal gehabt haben oder eine Seite wo er die ganzen Videos hochgeladen hat, mit den ganzen Livechats und die Trainingsvideos, etc. Hat da jemand einen Link für mich, konnte nichts finden.