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Völkermord an de Yeziden im Osmanischen Reich

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The Unknown Turkish Genocide Of Kurdish Yezidis

Yerevan, Armenia ,-- In 1915-1918 the upper circles of the Ottoman Empire, taking advantage of the conditions of the World War, organized and realized genocide of Turkey's national minorities. During a few years the Ottoman Empire actually completely slaughtered the native peoples of the country: Armenians, Assyrians, and Greeks. Nowadays the world is aware of numerous facts and details of these terrible atrocities committed by Turkey's authorities endowed with state power.

The world's most progressive countries condemned the Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire on the state level and mark mournful data of the Genocide's beginning together with Armenians, Greeks and Assyrians.

However, in this sorrowful list of peoples destroyed by Turks Yezidis, a distinctive and native nation on the territory of the Ottoman Empire, are actually never mentioned. Meanwhile, even an incomplete list of settlements of Yezdistan (a territory in the north of Iraq), where Turkish vandals slaughtered Yezidis, is quite and quite impressive: Sinjar, Sinoun, Gobal, Dgour, Gali Ali Bage, Dhok, Zorava, Karse and Bare, Siba, Tlizer, Tlzafe, Khrbade Kavala, Grzark, Rmbousi, Sharok, Tlkazar, Tlbanta, Kocho, Khotmi, Mosoul, Rndavan, Amadia. Over 200,000 Yezidis were slaughtered in these settlements.

The Yazidis are mostly ethnic Kurds were also destroyed by Turkish soldiers on the territory of Western Armenia, where they had been living in harmony with Armenians for ages. Below is the mournful list: Van region -- 100,000 innocent victims; Moush region -- over 60,000 victims; Erzroum region -- 7,500 victims; Kars region -- 5,000 victims, Sourmalu -- 10,000 Yezidi victims… The list is never-ending and tragic.

Side by side with deportation and massacre the Turkish government forcibly turned Yezidis,
www.ekurd.net who profess original religion connected with worship of the Sun, into Islam. The Turkish historiographer Katib Tchelebi states that in 1915-1918 about 300,000 Yezidis were massacred on the territory of the Ottoman Empire. However, according to verified data, those years over 500,000 Kurdish Yezidis were slaughtered by Turks, and this sinister fact has not been condemned by the progressive countries of the world.

Undoubtedly, politicians and specialists must know how many Yezidis became the victims of the Turkish state in various settlements.

Before the beginning of the World War I, according to the sources, over 750,000 Yezidis resided on the territory of the Ottoman Empire, and over 500,000 of them were massacred by Turks. 250,000 more were forcibly deported and found shelter:

in Iraq, in the vicinity of Sinjar Mountain, 100,000.
in Turkey, in the regions of Batman and Diarbeqir, 12,000.
in Syria, in the settlement of El-Kamishli, 15,000.
in Armenia, 12,500.
in Georgia, 3,000.

Nowadays the Kurdish Yezidi people scattered by the whole territory of Northern Asia and Near East require the reestablishment of justice and recognition of events of 1915-1918 as Genocide. We are convinced: defiance of historic crimes against mankind will inevitably result in a precedent for new crimes. Actually, it is already taking place. In August and September of 2007 over a thousand of innocent Yezidis, peaceful inhabitant of the region, were destroyed in the north of Iraq, in historical Yezdistan.

We appeal to the U. N., the U. N. Security Council, Presidents of the U. S. and Russia, heads of the European states, President of Turkey and urge:

To restore historical justice and condemn the genocide of Yezidi people, which took place in the Ottoman Empire in 1915-1918.
The Unknown Turkish Genocide Of Kurdish Yezidis

Yerevan, Armenia ,-- In 1915-1918 the upper circles of the Ottoman Empire, taking advantage of the conditions of the World War, organized and realized genocide of Turkey's national minorities. During a few years the Ottoman Empire actually completely slaughtered the native peoples of the country: Armenians, Assyrians, and Greeks. Nowadays the world is aware of numerous facts and details of these terrible atrocities committed by Turkey's authorities endowed with state power.

The world's most progressive countries condemned the Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire on the state level and mark mournful data of the Genocide's beginning together with Armenians, Greeks and Assyrians.

However, in this sorrowful list of peoples destroyed by Turks Yezidis, a distinctive and native nation on the territory of the Ottoman Empire, are actually never mentioned. Meanwhile, even an incomplete list of settlements of Yezdistan (a territory in the north of Iraq), where Turkish vandals slaughtered Yezidis, is quite and quite impressive: Sinjar, Sinoun, Gobal, Dgour, Gali Ali Bage, Dhok, Zorava, Karse and Bare, Siba, Tlizer, Tlzafe, Khrbade Kavala, Grzark, Rmbousi, Sharok, Tlkazar, Tlbanta, Kocho, Khotmi, Mosoul, Rndavan, Amadia. Over 200,000 Yezidis were slaughtered in these settlements.

The Yazidis are mostly ethnic Kurds were also destroyed by Turkish soldiers on the territory of Western Armenia, where they had been living in harmony with Armenians for ages. Below is the mournful list: Van region -- 100,000 innocent victims; Moush region -- over 60,000 victims; Erzroum region -- 7,500 victims; Kars region -- 5,000 victims, Sourmalu -- 10,000 Yezidi victims… The list is never-ending and tragic.

Side by side with deportation and massacre the Turkish government forcibly turned Yezidis,
www.ekurd.net who profess original religion connected with worship of the Sun, into Islam. The Turkish historiographer Katib Tchelebi states that in 1915-1918 about 300,000 Yezidis were massacred on the territory of the Ottoman Empire. However, according to verified data, those years over 500,000 Kurdish Yezidis were slaughtered by Turks, and this sinister fact has not been condemned by the progressive countries of the world.

Undoubtedly, politicians and specialists must know how many Yezidis became the victims of the Turkish state in various settlements.

Before the beginning of the World War I, according to the sources, over 750,000 Yezidis resided on the territory of the Ottoman Empire, and over 500,000 of them were massacred by Turks. 250,000 more were forcibly deported and found shelter:

in Iraq, in the vicinity of Sinjar Mountain, 100,000.
in Turkey, in the regions of Batman and Diarbeqir, 12,000.
in Syria, in the settlement of El-Kamishli, 15,000.
in Armenia, 12,500.
in Georgia, 3,000.

Nowadays the Kurdish Yezidi people scattered by the whole territory of Northern Asia and Near East require the reestablishment of justice and recognition of events of 1915-1918 as Genocide. We are convinced: defiance of historic crimes against mankind will inevitably result in a precedent for new crimes. Actually, it is already taking place. In August and September of 2007 over a thousand of innocent Yezidis, peaceful inhabitant of the region, were destroyed in the north of Iraq, in historical Yezdistan.

We appeal to the U. N., the U. N. Security Council, Presidents of the U. S. and Russia, heads of the European states, President of Turkey and urge:

To restore historical justice and condemn the genocide of Yezidi people, which took place in the Ottoman Empire in 1915-1918.

Hast du wieder Freigang?
The Unknown Turkish Genocide Of Kurdish Yezidis

Yerevan, Armenia ,-- In 1915-1918 the upper circles of the Ottoman Empire, taking advantage of the conditions of the World War, organized and realized genocide of Turkey's national minorities. During a few years the Ottoman Empire actually completely slaughtered the native peoples of the country: Armenians, Assyrians, and Greeks. Nowadays the world is aware of numerous facts and details of these terrible atrocities committed by Turkey's authorities endowed with state power.

The world's most progressive countries condemned the Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire on the state level and mark mournful data of the Genocide's beginning together with Armenians, Greeks and Assyrians.

However, in this sorrowful list of peoples destroyed by Turks Yezidis, a distinctive and native nation on the territory of the Ottoman Empire, are actually never mentioned. Meanwhile, even an incomplete list of settlements of Yezdistan (a territory in the north of Iraq), where Turkish vandals slaughtered Yezidis, is quite and quite impressive: Sinjar, Sinoun, Gobal, Dgour, Gali Ali Bage, Dhok, Zorava, Karse and Bare, Siba, Tlizer, Tlzafe, Khrbade Kavala, Grzark, Rmbousi, Sharok, Tlkazar, Tlbanta, Kocho, Khotmi, Mosoul, Rndavan, Amadia. Over 200,000 Yezidis were slaughtered in these settlements.

The Yazidis are mostly ethnic Kurds were also destroyed by Turkish soldiers on the territory of Western Armenia, where they had been living in harmony with Armenians for ages. Below is the mournful list: Van region -- 100,000 innocent victims; Moush region -- over 60,000 victims; Erzroum region -- 7,500 victims; Kars region -- 5,000 victims, Sourmalu -- 10,000 Yezidi victims… The list is never-ending and tragic.

Side by side with deportation and massacre the Turkish government forcibly turned Yezidis,
www.ekurd.netwho profess original religion connected with worship of the Sun, into Islam. The Turkish historiographer Katib Tchelebi states that in 1915-1918 about 300,000 Yezidis were massacred on the territory of the Ottoman Empire. However, according to verified data, those years over 500,000 Kurdish Yezidis were slaughtered by Turks, and this sinister fact has not been condemned by the progressive countries of the world.

Undoubtedly, politicians and specialists must know how many Yezidis became the victims of the Turkish state in various settlements.

Before the beginning of the World War I, according to the sources, over 750,000 Yezidis resided on the territory of the Ottoman Empire, and over 500,000 of them were massacred by Turks. 250,000 more were forcibly deported and found shelter:

in Iraq, in the vicinity of Sinjar Mountain, 100,000.
in Turkey, in the regions of Batman and Diarbeqir, 12,000.
in Syria, in the settlement of El-Kamishli, 15,000.
in Armenia, 12,500.
in Georgia, 3,000.

Nowadays the Kurdish Yezidi people scattered by the whole territory of Northern Asia and Near East require the reestablishment of justice and recognition of events of 1915-1918 as Genocide. We are convinced: defiance of historic crimes against mankind will inevitably result in a precedent for new crimes. Actually, it is already taking place. In August and September of 2007 over a thousand of innocent Yezidis, peaceful inhabitant of the region, were destroyed in the north of Iraq, in historical Yezdistan.

We appeal to the U. N., the U. N. Security Council, Presidents of the U. S. and Russia, heads of the European states, President of Turkey and urge:

To restore historical justice and condemn the genocide of Yezidi people, which took place in the Ottoman Empire in 1915-1918.

Danke mein Freund. Informationen über den Völkermord an den Eziden sind rar gesät.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Wir alle hoffen, dass es sich ändere, damit wir einer gemeinsamen Zukunft in Frieden entgegensehen können.

Ich kann mir durchaus vorstellen mit den Grekos in Koexistenz zu leben. Immerhin hat das mehr als 400 jahrelang gut geklappt.

Aber du persönlich hättest ein Problem damit. Das ist keine Anmaßung gegen dich sondern leider eine Feststellung.
Die Quelle ist mehr als fragwürdig.Ich könnte mich als Deutscher ebenso hinstellen und behaupten,dass Polen 100000 Deutsche Zivilisten getötet habe.Ohne Beweise läuft nichts, man sollte das Verbreiten von Unwahrheiten ebenso Hart bestrafen.Es kann doch nicht sein,dass jeder dahergekommene Halbaffe sich solchen Themen annehmen tut.

War es denn nun ein Genozid (Unknown) oder wünscht man sich dass es einer wäre? Einige Hinterwäldler werfen hier mit Begriffen um sich,das ist Unglaublich.Die Yeziden selber hat man sich aktuell ins Land geholt um sie genau vor solchen Genoziden zu bewahren.Sie werden versorgt, die Kinder gehen wieder zur Schule und müssen nicht um ihr oder das Leben ihrer Eltern fürchten.

Die Türkei hat Millionen Flüchtlinge aufgenommen,während der Grieche nicht einmal mit einpaar Tausenden zurechtkommt.Die Situation der Flüchtlinge, in den fast schon KZ Ähnlichen Aufanglagern in Griechenland dürfte mittlerweile jedem bekannt sein.
Die Quelle ist mehr als fragwürdig.Ich könnte mich als Deutscher ebenso hinstellen und behaupten,dass Polen 100000 Deutsche Zivilisten getötet habe.Ohne Beweise läuft nichts, man sollte das Verbreiten von Unwahrheiten ebenso Hart bestrafen.Es kann doch nicht sein,dass jeder dahergekommene Halbaffe sich solchen Themen annehmen tut.

War es denn nun ein Genozid (Unknown) oder wünscht man sich dass es einer wäre? Einige Hinterwäldler werfen hier mit Begriffen um sich,das ist Unglaublich.Die Yeziden selber hat man sich aktuell ins Land geholt um sie genau vor solchen Genoziden zu bewahren.Sie werden versorgt, die Kinder gehen wieder zur Schule und müssen nicht um ihr oder das Leben ihrer Eltern fürchten.

Die Türkei hat Millionen Flüchtlinge aufgenommen,während der Grieche nicht einmal mit einpaar Tausenden zurechtkommt.Die Situation der Flüchtlinge, in den fast schon KZ Ähnlichen Aufanglagern in Griechenland dürfte mittlerweile jedem bekannt sein.

Die Quelle ist in Ordnung, dir passt die Wahrheit nicht, gel

Wie immer habe ich dich beim lügen erwischt.

Die Yeziden leben dort seit sehr langer, Zeit, wann soll man sie geholt haben?

Du bist unverschämt, die Auffanglager in Griechenland als KZ zu bezeichnen.
Die Quelle ist in Ordnung, dir passt die Wahrheit nicht, gel

Wie immer habe ich dich beim lügen erwischt.

Die Yeziden leben dort seit sehr langer, Zeit, wann soll man sie geholt haben?

Du bist unverschämt, die Auffanglager in Griechenland als KZ zu bezeichnen.

Dieses gel ist so geil :') Jedes Mal wenn ich es höre muss ich lachen haha