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Völkermord der Ustasa an Serben, KZ-Lager Jasenovac, Kinder

Pokolj u Smiljanu

Ja sam u mojoj knjizi "Lička Tragedija" konkretno opisao hrvatske zločine u Smiljanu 1941. godine. I želim ovde da to kažem još jednom da Srbi zabrane Hrvatima da "svojataju" Nikolu Teslu. Bilo je to ovako.

Na Svetog Iliju, 2. avgusta 1941. godine, Hrvati - katolici, ili Hrvati Stekliši, kako su se nazivali, poklali su u Smiljanu i okolnim selima sve živo srpsko što su uhvatili i to:
- poklali su 27 novorođenčadi koja još ni ime nisu dobila,
- poklali su 127 dece na uzrastu od jedne do 15 godina,
- poklali su 340 osoba starosti od 16 do 80 godina, i
- poklali su 12 osoba starijih od 80 godina.

To je ukupno 506 osoba srpske nacionalnosti što su ih hrvatski koljači poklali i mnoge u kućama spalili samo u toku jednog dana. I izabrali su baš Svetog Iliju, veliki pravoslavni praznik, kako bi i time pokazali koliko su rešili da unište Srbe i Srpske svetinje. To je zločin nad zločinima. A bilo je takvih zločina svugde gde je bilo Srba jer su Hrvati Ante Pavelića krenuli u potpuno uništenje Srba. A danas nameravaju da podignu spomenik Nikoli Tesli u Zagrebu, a njegov spomenik u Gospiću su srušili.

Mr Radiša Novaković kaže da "Srbija i Beograd nisu zaboravili najvećeg srpskog genija". Tako treba biti. Ali, izgleda da su Srbija i Beograd zaboravili na zločine koje su Hrvati počinili u Teslinom Smiljanu i u Jadovnom i svugde na teritoriji zločinačke katoličke tvorevine NDH. Jer, u Smiljanu više nikog nema, sve su bojovnici Franje Tuđmana, bivšeg komuniste, ponovo uništili, pobili narod i spalili Smiljan.

Ubice u božje ime

Zato pozivam Srbiju i Beograd ako "nisu zaboravili najvećeg srpskog genija", da zabrane Hrvatima da podižu Spomenik Nikoli Tesli, da dignu javno svoj glas protiv još jednog zločina što ga Hrvati nameravaju učiniti protiv Srba. Jer, ako Hrvati podižu spomenik Nikoli Tesli, bilo gde to je zločin jer su se Hrvati pokazali i dokazali kao VELIKI ZLOČINCI, MAGNUM KRIMEN, kako ih naziva Viktor Novak, katolički intelektualac. A Francuz, katolik, Erve Lorijer naziva Hrvate "Ubice u božje ime" u svojoj istoimenoj knjizi.

Nikola Tesla nema nikakve veze sa Hrvatima i bilo bi sramota za Srbe da mu sad Hrvati podižu nekakav spomenik. Ako bi to čak i učinili, taj spomenik se mora porušiti, srušiti ga isto onako kako su Hrvati rušili Smiljan a sa Smiljanom i ime Nikole Tesle. Pozivam zato sve Srbe u Srbiji, u Hrvatskoj i u dijaspori da se suprotstave tom zločinačkom poduhvatu što ga Hrvati nameravaju učiniti čestitom i velikom naučniku Nikoli Tesli. Ovo što sam napisao je moj protest protiv tog zločina. Molim sve srpske naučnike da se pridruže ovom protestu.

Pozivam i sve moje Ličane da se tome pridruže jer se ne sme zaboraviti i oprostiti ono što su Hrvati počinili u našoj Lici. Od 1941. do 1945. godine, poklali su hrvatski-katolički zločinci u našoj Lici 10.015 Srba i Srpkinja svih uzrasta. Pitam, da li možemo zbog tih žrtava da dozvolimo Hrvatima da nam i na ovaj način vrše zločin nad našim velikim Teslom? Nikola Tesla to nije zaslužio i moramo ga zaštiti iako je umro 1943. godine. Nikola, naš Likota, to nije zaslužio i moramo ga braniti i odbraniti, a njegov spomenik može se podići samo među Srbima i u Americi, gde je postao građanin Amerike i veliki naučnik Amerike.

Mirko Rapaić, autor knjige i pisac "Lička tragedija", Beograd

shvaler schrieb:
Pokolj u Smiljanu

Ja sam u mojoj knjizi "Lička Tragedija" konkretno opisao hrvatske zločine u Smiljanu 1941. godine. I želim ovde da to kažem još jednom da Srbi zabrane Hrvatima da "svojataju" Nikolu Teslu. Bilo je to ovako.

Na Svetog Iliju, 2. avgusta 1941. godine, Hrvati - katolici, ili Hrvati Stekliši, kako su se nazivali, poklali su u Smiljanu i okolnim selima sve živo srpsko što su uhvatili i to:
- poklali su 27 novorođenčadi koja još ni ime nisu dobila,
- poklali su 127 dece na uzrastu od jedne do 15 godina,
- poklali su 340 osoba starosti od 16 do 80 godina, i
- poklali su 12 osoba starijih od 80 godina.

To je ukupno 506 osoba srpske nacionalnosti što su ih hrvatski koljači poklali i mnoge u kućama spalili samo u toku jednog dana. I izabrali su baš Svetog Iliju, veliki pravoslavni praznik, kako bi i time pokazali koliko su rešili da unište Srbe i Srpske svetinje. To je zločin nad zločinima. A bilo je takvih zločina svugde gde je bilo Srba jer su Hrvati Ante Pavelića krenuli u potpuno uništenje Srba. A danas nameravaju da podignu spomenik Nikoli Tesli u Zagrebu, a njegov spomenik u Gospiću su srušili.

Mr Radiša Novaković kaže da "Srbija i Beograd nisu zaboravili najvećeg srpskog genija". Tako treba biti. Ali, izgleda da su Srbija i Beograd zaboravili na zločine koje su Hrvati počinili u Teslinom Smiljanu i u Jadovnom i svugde na teritoriji zločinačke katoličke tvorevine NDH. Jer, u Smiljanu više nikog nema, sve su bojovnici Franje Tuđmana, bivšeg komuniste, ponovo uništili, pobili narod i spalili Smiljan.

Ubice u božje ime

Zato pozivam Srbiju i Beograd ako "nisu zaboravili najvećeg srpskog genija", da zabrane Hrvatima da podižu Spomenik Nikoli Tesli, da dignu javno svoj glas protiv još jednog zločina što ga Hrvati nameravaju učiniti protiv Srba. Jer, ako Hrvati podižu spomenik Nikoli Tesli, bilo gde to je zločin jer su se Hrvati pokazali i dokazali kao VELIKI ZLOČINCI, MAGNUM KRIMEN, kako ih naziva Viktor Novak, katolički intelektualac. A Francuz, katolik, Erve Lorijer naziva Hrvate "Ubice u božje ime" u svojoj istoimenoj knjizi.

Nikola Tesla nema nikakve veze sa Hrvatima i bilo bi sramota za Srbe da mu sad Hrvati podižu nekakav spomenik. Ako bi to čak i učinili, taj spomenik se mora porušiti, srušiti ga isto onako kako su Hrvati rušili Smiljan a sa Smiljanom i ime Nikole Tesle. Pozivam zato sve Srbe u Srbiji, u Hrvatskoj i u dijaspori da se suprotstave tom zločinačkom poduhvatu što ga Hrvati nameravaju učiniti čestitom i velikom naučniku Nikoli Tesli. Ovo što sam napisao je moj protest protiv tog zločina. Molim sve srpske naučnike da se pridruže ovom protestu.

Pozivam i sve moje Ličane da se tome pridruže jer se ne sme zaboraviti i oprostiti ono što su Hrvati počinili u našoj Lici. Od 1941. do 1945. godine, poklali su hrvatski-katolički zločinci u našoj Lici 10.015 Srba i Srpkinja svih uzrasta. Pitam, da li možemo zbog tih žrtava da dozvolimo Hrvatima da nam i na ovaj način vrše zločin nad našim velikim Teslom? Nikola Tesla to nije zaslužio i moramo ga zaštiti iako je umro 1943. godine. Nikola, naš Likota, to nije zaslužio i moramo ga braniti i odbraniti, a njegov spomenik može se podići samo među Srbima i u Americi, gde je postao građanin Amerike i veliki naučnik Amerike.

Mirko Rapaić, autor knjige i pisac "Lička tragedija", Beograd


:cry: zalostnu im ustasku mater :!:
shvaler schrieb:
Pokolj u Smiljanu

Ja sam u mojoj knjizi "Lička Tragedija" konkretno opisao hrvatske zločine u Smiljanu 1941. godine. I želim ovde da to kažem još jednom da Srbi zabrane Hrvatima da "svojataju" Nikolu Teslu. Bilo je to ovako.

Warum schreibt er nicht auch über die Verbrechen der Cetniks, nicht nur nach dem 2. August 1941, sondern auch davor in der Lika, Norddalmationen usw.
Wie aus diesem Auszug z.B.:
A/ The first period (the end of July 1941 - February 1942
This period consists of two parts: the first, from the eruption of the rebellion until the autumn of 1941, when Chetniks and guerrillas participated in the rebellion together; and the second, which began at the same time as the division of the Chetnik and national liberation movement, namely, the division of the military into Chetniks and Partisans and crimes of Chetnik units may be observed.
In the first part, after the eruption of the revolt, in actions carried out jointly by the Chetniks and communists, the first massive crimes against Croatians and Muslims in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia were carried out. In this way, on July 27, 1941 and several days afterwards, in Bosansko Grahovo and the surrounding area, 62 Croatians, among whom were five women, nine children, and parish rector Ante Gospodnetic were killed by the rebels while their houses and five villages were burned after being looted. On July 2, in Krenjus and its surrounds, as well as in Vrtoci, several hundred Croatians, the majority being older individuals, women and children and the parish rector Kresimir Baric were massacred. They looted and burned houses and the Roman Catholic Church. Then followed the arrival of 2,500 Croatians from Boricevac and the surrounding area into Bihac. Boricevac itself was looted and completely burned and never rebuilt after the war. As a result, 19 Roman Catholic parishes on the right side of the Una River and ten on the left shore ceased to exist since there was no congregation left. Subsequently, on September 5, 1941, in Kulen Vakuf, 3,000 Muslims and a hundred Croatians were slaughtered and the area was looted and burnt. Also, 44 Muslims and 12 Croatians were killed in Varcar Vakuf and the surrounding areas. In Glamoc and its surrounds, 45 Muslims and two Croatians were killed. In Sanski Most the rebels "killed Muslims and Croatian peasants and even their families: women and."17
It was the same in other areas. In this way, the "liberated territories" were soon liberated from Croatians and Muslims who were forced to leave so as not be slaughtered and killed. Their houses and villages were looted and burned. Soon, a river of 50,000 refugees began to flow into Bihac, Jajce, Knin, Sanski Most, Prijedor, Livno, and other towns. The share the Chetniks and their supporters took in executing these crimes was dominant. In eastern Herzegovina, massacres of civilians were carried by out rebels with assistance from Montenegro and this in Avtovac on June 28, 1941 when some 47 Muslims were massacred; in Berkovici (Dabar) on August 28, 300 Muslims were massacred, predominantly women and children, who were thrown into pits, and the majority into the "Cavkarica" pit, according to Partisan documents. According to the documents of NDH authorities, the number is considerably greater. Some Croatians were killed, while from the entire eastern Herzegovina region, colonies of refugees, flowed into neighbouring towns, predominantly Capljina, Mostar, and Dubrovnik. After being looted, many houses and villages were burned. It was in eastern Bosnia, where Chetnik units, established and assisted by Chetniks in Serbia, and active since the beginning of the revolt, that the first massacres of Muslims were recorded and this in Medjedja and Koraj in October and November 1941. Several hundred people were slaughtered.18
Since the NDH powers were unable to suppress the rebellion and hinder its spreading, Italian and German occupying forces intervened. The Italians occupied Zones I and II and the Germans brought in new forces. The Italians enabled the organization and supplies for the Chetnik units and their close links from Serbia to Slovenia, who in turn organized, planned, and commenced the genocidal crimes against Croatians and Muslims. In this way, Chetniks around Knin and at the three border point started the terror against the Croatian population. On October 7 and 8, 1941, they slaughtered seven Croatians in Donji Ervenik. On July 3, 1941, they ordered "that all Catholics in the village of Stikova be converted to the Orthodox faith." In an attack 16 days later, 11 local Croatians and 1 gendarme were killed. On December 11, in the village of Velika Plana, by Lovinac, six Croatians were massacred and before that, on September 29, 1941, 44 Croatians of Brotinja by D. Lapac were captured and then slaughtered. The majority were women and children. This resulted in a new wave of Croatian refugees.
Ivo2 schrieb:
shvaler schrieb:
Pokolj u Smiljanu

Ja sam u mojoj knjizi "Lička Tragedija" konkretno opisao hrvatske zločine u Smiljanu 1941. godine. I želim ovde da to kažem još jednom da Srbi zabrane Hrvatima da "svojataju" Nikolu Teslu. Bilo je to ovako.

Warum schreibt er nicht auch über die Verbrechen der Cetniks, nicht nur nach dem 2. August 1941, sondern auch davor in der Lika, Norddalmationen usw.
Wie aus diesem Auszug z.B.:
A/ The first period (the end of July 1941 - February 1942
This period consists of two parts: the first, from the eruption of the rebellion until the autumn of 1941, when Chetniks and guerrillas participated in the rebellion together; and the second, which began at the same time as the division of the Chetnik and national liberation movement, namely, the division of the military into Chetniks and Partisans and crimes of Chetnik units may be observed.
In the first part, after the eruption of the revolt, in actions carried out jointly by the Chetniks and communists, the first massive crimes against Croatians and Muslims in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia were carried out. In this way, on July 27, 1941 and several days afterwards, in Bosansko Grahovo and the surrounding area, 62 Croatians, among whom were five women, nine children, and parish rector Ante Gospodnetic were killed by the rebels while their houses and five villages were burned after being looted. On July 2, in Krenjus and its surrounds, as well as in Vrtoci, several hundred Croatians, the majority being older individuals, women and children and the parish rector Kresimir Baric were massacred. They looted and burned houses and the Roman Catholic Church. Then followed the arrival of 2,500 Croatians from Boricevac and the surrounding area into Bihac. Boricevac itself was looted and completely burned and never rebuilt after the war. As a result, 19 Roman Catholic parishes on the right side of the Una River and ten on the left shore ceased to exist since there was no congregation left. Subsequently, on September 5, 1941, in Kulen Vakuf, 3,000 Muslims and a hundred Croatians were slaughtered and the area was looted and burnt. Also, 44 Muslims and 12 Croatians were killed in Varcar Vakuf and the surrounding areas. In Glamoc and its surrounds, 45 Muslims and two Croatians were killed. In Sanski Most the rebels "killed Muslims and Croatian peasants and even their families: women and."17
It was the same in other areas. In this way, the "liberated territories" were soon liberated from Croatians and Muslims who were forced to leave so as not be slaughtered and killed. Their houses and villages were looted and burned. Soon, a river of 50,000 refugees began to flow into Bihac, Jajce, Knin, Sanski Most, Prijedor, Livno, and other towns. The share the Chetniks and their supporters took in executing these crimes was dominant. In eastern Herzegovina, massacres of civilians were carried by out rebels with assistance from Montenegro and this in Avtovac on June 28, 1941 when some 47 Muslims were massacred; in Berkovici (Dabar) on August 28, 300 Muslims were massacred, predominantly women and children, who were thrown into pits, and the majority into the "Cavkarica" pit, according to Partisan documents. According to the documents of NDH authorities, the number is considerably greater. Some Croatians were killed, while from the entire eastern Herzegovina region, colonies of refugees, flowed into neighbouring towns, predominantly Capljina, Mostar, and Dubrovnik. After being looted, many houses and villages were burned. It was in eastern Bosnia, where Chetnik units, established and assisted by Chetniks in Serbia, and active since the beginning of the revolt, that the first massacres of Muslims were recorded and this in Medjedja and Koraj in October and November 1941. Several hundred people were slaughtered.18
Since the NDH powers were unable to suppress the rebellion and hinder its spreading, Italian and German occupying forces intervened. The Italians occupied Zones I and II and the Germans brought in new forces. The Italians enabled the organization and supplies for the Chetnik units and their close links from Serbia to Slovenia, who in turn organized, planned, and commenced the genocidal crimes against Croatians and Muslims. In this way, Chetniks around Knin and at the three border point started the terror against the Croatian population. On October 7 and 8, 1941, they slaughtered seven Croatians in Donji Ervenik. On July 3, 1941, they ordered "that all Catholics in the village of Stikova be converted to the Orthodox faith." In an attack 16 days later, 11 local Croatians and 1 gendarme were killed. On December 11, in the village of Velika Plana, by Lovinac, six Croatians were massacred and before that, on September 29, 1941, 44 Croatians of Brotinja by D. Lapac were captured and then slaughtered. The majority were women and children. This resulted in a new wave of Croatian refugees.

das ist wahrscheinlich auch aus dem metkovic stammtisch :lol: :lol:
Ivo2 schrieb:
RSK-Lika schrieb:
das ist wahrscheinlich auch aus dem metkovic stammtisch :lol: :lol:
Nein, dass sind Tatsachen. Stammt aus dem Buch "An International Symposium "SOUTHEASTERN EUROPE 1918-1995" und ist genauso glaubwürdig wie shvaler's Buch. Für mich sogar glaubwürdiger, weil in der Lika die Ustasa nichts zu sagen hatten.
Hier der Link: http://www.hic.hr/books/seeurope/013e-dizdar.htm

was weisst du schon über die lika austroungarese :?: ich komme aus der lika, mein grossvater war im 2.weltkrieg bei den partisanen, und genau dort wo steht donji lapac, 44 tote kroaten das waren ustase und die wurden von partisanen getötet :!: die meisten likaserben waren bei den partisanen, die cetniks im damaligen NDH waren vorallem in Trebinje, Gacko, Bileca, Nevesinje, Grahovo, Glamoc, Knin und vorallem okolina (bei den dinarischen alpen), und auch noch einige divisionen in der petrova gora (bei vrgin most in der nähe) sonst waren im damaligen ndh vorallem in der lika und kordun partisanen :wink:
RSK-Lika schrieb:
was weisst du schon über die lika austroungarese :?: ich komme aus der lika, mein grossvater war im 2.weltkrieg bei den partisanen, und genau dort wo steht donji lapac, 44 tote kroaten das waren ustase und die wurden von partisanen getötet :!: die meisten likaserben waren bei den partisanen, die cetniks im damaligen NDH waren vorallem in Trebinje, Gacko, Bileca, Nevesinje, Grahovo, Glamoc, Knin und vorallem okolina (bei den dinarischen alpen), und auch noch einige divisionen in der petrova gora (bei vrgin most in der nähe) sonst waren im damaligen ndh vorallem in der lika und kordun partisanen :wink:
Was ist los mit dir ? Ändere deinen Ton, sonst werd' ich auch unhöflich.
Ich weiss mehr über die Lika als du mit deinen Eltern und Grosseltern zusammen.
Ich bin unten geboren, fall's es dir noch nicht zu Ohren gekommen sein sollte. Bei mir waren mein Großvater und mein Vater bei den Partisanen. Und jene Verbrechen die die Cetniks begangen haben, versuchen so Möchtegern-Geschichteschreiber, den Partisanen in die Schuhe schieben. Du und deinesgleichen habt anscheinend überhaupt kein Schamgefühl, wenn es darum geht, die Verbrechen und Massaker der Cetniks zu verschleiern oder zu relativieren.
Ivo2 schrieb:
RSK-Lika schrieb:
was weisst du schon über die lika austroungarese :?: ich komme aus der lika, mein grossvater war im 2.weltkrieg bei den partisanen, und genau dort wo steht donji lapac, 44 tote kroaten das waren ustase und die wurden von partisanen getötet :!: die meisten likaserben waren bei den partisanen, die cetniks im damaligen NDH waren vorallem in Trebinje, Gacko, Bileca, Nevesinje, Grahovo, Glamoc, Knin und vorallem okolina (bei den dinarischen alpen), und auch noch einige divisionen in der petrova gora (bei vrgin most in der nähe) sonst waren im damaligen ndh vorallem in der lika und kordun partisanen :wink:
Was ist los mit dir ? Ändere deinen Ton, sonst werd' ich auch unhöflich.
Ich weiss mehr über die Lika als du mit deinen Eltern und Grosseltern zusammen.
Ich bin unten geboren, fall's es dir noch nicht zu Ohren gekommen sein sollte. Bei mir waren mein Großvater und mein Vater bei den Partisanen. Und jene Verbrechen die die Cetniks begangen haben, versuchen so Möchtegern-Geschichteschreiber, den Partisanen in die Schuhe schieben. Du und deinesgleichen habt anscheinend überhaupt kein Schamgefühl, wenn es darum geht, die Verbrechen und Massaker der Cetniks zu verschleiern oder zu relativieren.

entschuldige mal, aber mein grossvater war ebenfalls verwundet und das zwei mal bei seinem einsatz in senj :!: und falls du aus der lika bist kannst du mir sicherlich auch sagen aus welcher stadt :wink:
RSK-Lika schrieb:
Ivo2 schrieb:
RSK-Lika schrieb:
das ist wahrscheinlich auch aus dem metkovic stammtisch :lol: :lol:
Nein, dass sind Tatsachen. Stammt aus dem Buch "An International Symposium "SOUTHEASTERN EUROPE 1918-1995" und ist genauso glaubwürdig wie shvaler's Buch. Für mich sogar glaubwürdiger, weil in der Lika die Ustasa nichts zu sagen hatten.
Hier der Link: http://www.hic.hr/books/seeurope/013e-dizdar.htm

was weisst du schon über die lika austroungarese :?: ich komme aus der lika, mein grossvater war im 2.weltkrieg bei den partisanen, und genau dort wo steht donji lapac, 44 tote kroaten das waren ustase und die wurden von partisanen getötet :!: die meisten likaserben waren bei den partisanen, die cetniks im damaligen NDH waren vorallem in Trebinje, Gacko, Bileca, Nevesinje, Grahovo, Glamoc, Knin und vorallem okolina (bei den dinarischen alpen), und auch noch einige divisionen in der petrova gora (bei vrgin most in der nähe) sonst waren im damaligen ndh vorallem in der lika und kordun partisanen :wink:

mein grossvater war im 2.weltkrieg bei den partisanen

aha....dann muss er ja neben den Ustase auch die Cetniks bekämpft haben...... 8)
RSK-Lika schrieb:
entschuldige mal, aber mein grossvater war ebenfalls verwundet und das zwei mal bei seinem einsatz in senj :!: und falls du aus der lika bist kannst du mir sicherlich auch sagen aus welcher stadt :wink:
Ich bin nicht aus der Lika. Habe ich auch nie behauptet. Ich bin aus Kraljeva Velika, letzter Zipfel West-Slawoniens, aber ich muss nicht aus der Lika sein, um viel über diese Region zu wissen.
Frag' mal deinen Großvater, ob er nicht vorher bei den Cetniks war und erst 1942 zu den Partisanen gewechselt ist.
Und nochmal's, die Lika war damals geteilt in die Zone I und II unter italienischer Oberaufsicht und da hatten die Ustasa nichts zu melden. Die Cetniks dort, hautpsächlich um den Kriegsverbrecher und Popen Momcilo Djuic wurden von den Italienern bewaffnet und mit allem Nötigen versorgt. Die Becshwerden von der Ustasa an Mussolini und Hitler über die Zustände in der Lika sind dokumentiert.