
Haha dieser Hassprediger bittet um Versöhnung ... das ich nicht lache
Bla schrieb:Actually Kristian, I think it's over all a rather good analysis of what happend past decades in the Netherlands. Maybe a few clarifications...
Kristian made a rather quick step to the first problems of the immigrant workers to the killing of Pim Fortuyn, but the period before Fortuyn, the eighties and the nineties, are neccesary to understand his sudden succes and the way a lot of people think now. To illustrate how many people agreed with his views: his new political party got, despite that the founder was shot, 26 seats in the Dutch parliament that has only 150 seats.... which means about 1.6 million people voted for him!
One of the things that totally and absolutely pissed off a vast number of people in the Netherlands was that for 2 decades it was almost impossible to take a critical position on immigration, integration, minority problems etc. without being labled "racist". In the early nineties there was (now for just a little while European Commision member) Frits Bolkenstein who spoke up, but he got critique in almost all newspapers and from other political parties that he was 'moving dangerously to the right'. (Remarkable: his party did win many votes when he was in controll). Also there was the leader of the Dutch extreme-right party Centrum Democrats, Janmaat, who got a sentence of six months jail (conditional) for saying that "the Netherlands are full". Not such a strange thing to say in the 3rd most dense populated country in the world I'd say (though the guy was a total racist idiot, for the rest). But nice to illustrate how things changed in this country, I don't think we have a political party at the moment who HASN'T said that our country is "rather full" in the past years!
So there were a lot of problems with certain minorities: excessive criminality, total lack of integration (clustering together in 'ghetto's', not learning the language), mass unemployment, unequal treatment of males/females etcetera., I think Kristian mentioned some as well. For decades it was impossible to be to critical on this, or even to lable these problems as problems, without being called a racist. Because we were living in this great multicultural society, where we respected each others cultures. This dogma, we are tolerant, the multicultural society is great and we should respect each other, led to a situation where intolerance was tolerated. Never mind that these people consider females as inferiour, westeners as decadent unfaithfull dogs, it's just their way, we should respect that! You don't respect that? Then you must be a racist!
Even though some forms of criminality and misbehaviour came from a specific cultural background (people with a 'gothic' look being beaten up or threatened because they worship the devil, girls being raped in swimming pools because 'they're just western whores'), it was 'not done' to relate to that cultural background. People fed up with this had nowhere to turn, except some retarded extremist parties that waved around flags with dubious symbols (usually symbols related to the history of our eastern neighbors).
And then, out of nothing, came Fortuyn. He wasn't a racist, was actually quite clever (he had been professor in sociology, a columnist, the guy who introduced the free traveling for students) and he said what a LOT of people where thinking for years, but what they weren't allowed to say: that a lot of things were going wrong with the integration, especially in the big cities and that there was a big problem that should be solved. And in that climate also people like columnist/filmer van Gogh started to come with extreme hard criticism towards the muslim comminity.
Van Gogh was neither a racist though, and again, when you know where he was about, quite clever. The "geiteneukers" (goatfuckers) that Kristian refered to, was of course extremely offensive. But the first time he used the term, he explained it: some iman had written a text saying that it was ok for the man to 'turn to the goat', if that's clear enough, in those days of the month that a woman is 'unclean'. Hence 'geitenneukers' when he ment radical muslims. Of course it's a totally different subject if it is wise to say something like that, if it's not needlessly offensive and certainly if one should use it ALWAYS, in every column he wrote. But on the other side, he made a film with a bunch of Maroccan juvinile criminals in one of the heaviest youth-penitentery we have in the Netherlands. He was so radical because he wanted to warn for the radical islam, that had been able to grow in this country exactly because of the laissez-faire attitude. And that got him killed, in the end.
Al Capone schrieb:Since this kind of tolerance that Bryson presents here is often claimed to be a reason why the immigrants were not actively encouraged to integrate into Dutch society, I wonder if perhaps finally a large portion of the Dutch have finally got fed up with the extreme laissez-faire, or if people like Fortuyn and van Gogh felt that exactly that great Dutch freedom and liberalism was under threat by a socially reactionary Muslim community (remember that Fortuyn was gay), or is 'the truth' somewhere in between?
So the answer is: both! It was exactly the Dutch "we are oh so tolerant and everthing anybody does should be accepted" that made it possible for a reactionary muslim community to flourish and van Gogh and Fortuyn felt that their libertierties were threathened by this community, that they considered in contradiction with traditional western values as tolerance, freedom and equality.
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