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Volkszählung 2011 Mazedonien

Гуштер;2873389 schrieb:
Ja, deswegen auch nach internationalen Normen.

Nein, denn durchführen ist Staatsangelegenheit.
Eurostat und andere Organisationen sind für das Monitoring und der Schulung der Personen die die Zählung durchführen zuständig.
ach was 70% ist untertrieben ich schätze mal gegen die 90% werden es sein.

slawen hatten keinen grund mazedonien richtung westen zu verlassen, sie hatten ja einen job in einem staatlichen betrieb und ihr schnuckes komunisten eigenheim und jährliche ferien an den ohridsee.

warum also im westen sich durch harte arbeit ausbeuten lassen, und als sie merkten dass es doch klüger ist das land richtung westen zu verlassen konnten sie nicht, da man aufeinmal visa brauchte.

glaub mir die paar in australien canada und sonst wo sind nicht der rede wert.

schau einfach in skopje airport und an den grenzen wärend dem urlaub 90% prozent der reisenden sind albaner.

es sind 86 000 menschen mitglieder der mazedonischorthodoxen kirchengemeinde der schweiz.... was längst nicht alle mazedonier die in der schweiz leben umfasst....

wieviele mk albaner gibt es in der schweiz? ich kenne so gut wie nur kosovo albaner...
CENSUS: Truth Always Hurts, Bedzeti Quits
Thursday, 29 September 2011

The vice president of the State Census Office Abdulmenaf Bedzeti had quit his post few hours ago, and two days before the Census, MINA finds.
It is expected that all ethnic Albanians will quit their posts in what is reported to be a manufactured ‘revolt’ over the EU census laws.

Namely, the State Census office has stated according to Macedonian and EU Eurostat laws: only Macedonian citizens will be counted, and not individuals who are citizens/residents of other countries and where Macedonia is not their permanent/primary residence. According to both EU and Macedonian laws, these citizens get counted in the countries where they primarily reside. For instance, a Macedonian living in Germany as a resident/citizen will not be counted in the Macedonian census because he/she will get counted in the German census regardless whether they show up in Macedonia once a year to visit.

Understandbly, EUROSTAT needs to have official information from each country regarding the census, and not have residents be counted twice, three times across the continent. This way the true picture of the population is maintained.

The Census law is an official Law for everyone else, but not for the Albanian community. They feel Macedonian and EU laws should be amended and aligned to meet their needs and demands.
This fake Albanian ‘revolt’ also stems from the fact they will not meet their 25% from the 2001 massively fabricated census, according to both internal and external organizations.
The 2001 Census was poorly fabricated in a way that created hundreds of problems for Macedonia for its upcoming elections where virtually 95% of the population was allowed to vote?!?! According to the 2001 census, Macedonia had no people under the age of 18? This is always the result of manipulated census data.

But this is not the disastrous 2001. Today it’s 2011. Macedonia has progressed leaps and bounds in the last 10 years.There are laws and regulations put in place that must be respected by everyone. Yes, this means you too, the Albanian minority. No need to pout and pretend to be unhappy, everyone knows that you aren’t 25% of the population.

Long gone are the days when Albanians from Kosovo got counted in Kosovo, Albania, Macedonia.
If you still like to have your ethnicum counted twice/three times as in 2001, I suggest you visit Tirana and get counted there, since the Albanian Government has decided they will count only Albanians and not the minorities. //Gorazd Velkovski

MINA Breaking News - CENSUS: Truth Always Hurts, Bedzeti Quits
CENSUS: Truth Always Hurts, Bedzeti Quits
Thursday, 29 September 2011

The vice president of the State Census Office Abdulmenaf Bedzeti had quit his post few hours ago, and two days before the Census, MINA finds.
It is expected that all ethnic Albanians will quit their posts in what is reported to be a manufactured ‘revolt’ over the EU census laws.

Namely, the State Census office has stated according to Macedonian and EU Eurostat laws: only Macedonian citizens will be counted, and not individuals who are citizens/residents of other countries and where Macedonia is not their permanent/primary residence. According to both EU and Macedonian laws, these citizens get counted in the countries where they primarily reside. For instance, a Macedonian living in Germany as a resident/citizen will not be counted in the Macedonian census because he/she will get counted in the German census regardless whether they show up in Macedonia once a year to visit.

Understandbly, EUROSTAT needs to have official information from each country regarding the census, and not have residents be counted twice, three times across the continent. This way the true picture of the population is maintained.

The Census law is an official Law for everyone else, but not for the Albanian community. They feel Macedonian and EU laws should be amended and aligned to meet their needs and demands.
This fake Albanian ‘revolt’ also stems from the fact they will not meet their 25% from the 2001 massively fabricated census, according to both internal and external organizations.
The 2001 Census was poorly fabricated in a way that created hundreds of problems for Macedonia for its upcoming elections where virtually 95% of the population was allowed to vote?!?! According to the 2001 census, Macedonia had no people under the age of 18? This is always the result of manipulated census data.

But this is not the disastrous 2001. Today it’s 2011. Macedonia has progressed leaps and bounds in the last 10 years.There are laws and regulations put in place that must be respected by everyone. Yes, this means you too, the Albanian minority. No need to pout and pretend to be unhappy, everyone knows that you aren’t 25% of the population.

Long gone are the days when Albanians from Kosovo got counted in Kosovo, Albania, Macedonia.
If you still like to have your ethnicum counted twice/three times as in 2001, I suggest you visit Tirana and get counted there, since the Albanian Government has decided they will count only Albanians and not the minorities. //Gorazd Velkovski

MINA Breaking News - CENSUS: Truth Always Hurts, Bedzeti Quits

MINA ist Müll, die Meinung von Velkovski ist nicht relevant.
es sind 86 000 menschen mitglieder der mazedonischorthodoxen kirchengemeinde der schweiz.... was längst nicht alle mazedonier die in der schweiz leben umfasst....

wieviele mk albaner gibt es in der schweiz? ich kenne so gut wie nur kosovo albaner...

in welcher Stadt wohnst du in der Schweiz?
In Zürich gibt es viele MK-Albaner. Wenn du im Sommer in Tetovo bist, dann siehst du sehr viele Schweizer kennzeichen. Die meisten Mk-Albaner die in der Schweiz leben kommen aus Tetovo.
Die Republik Mazedonien zählt die im Ausland lebenden Staatsbürger genauso wenig mit wie es das tolle Kosovo macht. Labert keinen Schwachsinn. Der Staat muss wissen wie viele IM Land leben, damit man sich auch finanziell entsprechend einstellen kann. Wenn der Staat wissen will wie viele der Staatsbürger im Ausland leben und welcher Ethnie sie angehören dann ist das ne tolle Sache die nicht zwingend gemacht werden muss.
Гуштер;2873503 schrieb:
MINA ist Müll, die Meinung von Velkovski ist nicht relevant.

Jeder (Leser) kann sich seine darauf Meinung selbst bilden, interessant ist eher die Nachricht das Bedzeti quittiert hat.
Ob die Zahl der Albaner ansteigen wird kann man nicht voraussagen, da seit der VISA-Freiheit viele ausgewandert sind. Komisch an der Sache ist aber das vor allem die ausgewandert sind die gute Jobs hatten und ein normales und geregeltes Leben geführt haben. Aber gut wir wissen ja das man in Europa Geld verdienen kann ohne zu arbeiten.