ajde Kokose *fijuuuk*
kckckc *šic šic*
kckckc *šic šic*
akne kommt nicht durch milch das ist eine hormonstörung.
Ja als Neugeborenes.
Hast du jemals einen Erwachsenen Menschen an ner Titte nuckeln sehen ??
Nein, weil der Mensch nur im Säuglingsalter Milch braucht.
Als Baby ist jeder Mensch Laktosetolerant.
Mit dem zunehmendem Alter stösst er dann die Laktose ab.
Das ist schon ein eindeutiges Zeichen.
Und der Mensch trinkt erst seit wenigen Hundert Jahren Kuhmilch.
Eine Liste der Hormonen die in der Milch enthalten sind:
- 20α-dihydropregnenolone
- progesterone (from pregnenolone)
- 5α-pregnanedione
- 5α-pregnan-3β-ol-20-one, 20α- and 20β-dihydroprogesterone (from progesterone)
- 5α-androstene-3β17β-diol
- 5α-androstanedione
- 5α-androstan-3β-ol-17-one
- androstenedione
- testosterone
- dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate acyl ester
- insulin like growth factors 1 and 2 (IGF-1 and IGF-2)
- insulin
Natürlich gibt es noch zig andere, aber das sind die Hauptsächlichen.
Schonmal gefragt warum ein kalb binnen so kurzer Zeit wächst ?
Das liegt an der Milch, nun beim Menschen wachsen dann halt die Pickel
Als Albaner mit Vorfahren aus den Bergen bin ich ein Non Responder. Kein Wunder, war Milch wahrsch. einer der Hauptbestandteile der Nahrung meiner Vorväter.
Und wie schon gesagt wurde: Wir motzen hier auf relativ hohem Niveau, Prioritäten etc...Dieses Brüten über die Vor- und Nachteile, potentiellen Verzicht und dergleichen kann sich im Regelfall auch nur ein Westler im 21 Jh. leisten. Sag dem ärmlichen Bauern aus Afrika und Südamerika - und der Grossteil der Weltbevölkerung hat nicht viel - er solle doch auf eine andere Kalorienquelle umsteigen.
Zur Auflistung. Diese Folgen und Risiken spiegeln die ganze Palette wieder, also das total das Mögliche und bisher Beobachtete. Man sollte nicht vergessen, dass nicht alles gleichzeitigen auf jeden zutrifft. Jeder reagiert anders: Mancher gar nicht, anderer nur mit fettigerer Haut, andere haben nur Blähungen.
Das nur als Reminder. Was für ne riesen Aufregung hier. Ich wette, mind. 50% von den Leuten hier, die nach dem Opening Post fast ne Herzattacke kriegten, sind bildschirmbraun, haben grad nen Sofdrink vor sich oder im Kühlschrank parat, ne Packung Zigaretten in der Hosentasche und ein paar Kilos zuviel an den Rippchen. Macht euch mal darüber Gedanken.
Man, die trinken gar keine Milch
Europäer und deren Nachfahren in Australien und Nordamerika sind die einzigen die milch trinken.
Nein. Unter denen findest du sicher genügend Leute, die auch Milch konsumieren. Relativ gesehen, also an der Gesamtzahl der Bevölkerung gemessen, wahrsch. kleiner.
Medical research
A 2006 study found that for women desiring to have a child, those who consume full fat dairy products may slightly increase their fertility, while those consuming low-fat dairy products may slightly reduce their fertility.[SUP][72][/SUP]
Numerous studies have found that conjugated linoleic acid, found mainly in milk, meat and dairy products, provides several health benefits including prevention of atherosclerosis, different types of cancer, and hypertension and improved immune function.[SUP][73][/SUP][SUP][74][/SUP][SUP][74][/SUP]
There is recent evidence suggesting consumption of milk is effective at promoting muscle growth[SUP][75][/SUP] and improving post exercise muscle recovery.[SUP][76][/SUP]
In 2010, scientists at the Harvard School of Public Health identified a substance in dairy fat, trans-palmitoleic acid, that may substantially reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. The researchers examined participants who have been followed for 20 years in an observational study to evaluate risk factors for cardiovascular diseases in older adults. During followup it was found that individuals with higher circulating levels of trans-palmitoleic acid had a much lower risk of developing diabetes, with about a 60% lower risk among participants in the highest quintile (fifth) of trans-palmitoleic acid levels.[SUP][77][/SUP]
Lactose intolerance
Main article: lactose intolerance
Lactose, the disaccharide sugar component of all milk, must be cleaved in the small intestine by the enzyme lactase in order for its constituents, galactose and glucose, to be absorbed. The production of the enzyme lactase declines significantly after weaning in all mammals. Consequently, many humans become unable to digest lactose properly as they mature. There is a great deal of variance, with some individuals reacting badly to even small amounts of lactose, some able to consume moderate quantities, and some able to consume large quantities of milk and other dairy products without problems. The gene in humans that controls lactase production, and hence lactose tolerance/intolerance, is labeled C/T-13910.[SUP][78][/SUP] An individual who consumes milk without producing sufficient lactase may suffer diarrhea, intestinal gas, cramps and bloating, as the undigested lactose travels through the gastrointestinal tract and serves as nourishment for intestinal microflora that excretes gas in processes known as fermentation and anaerobic respiration.
It is estimated that 30 to 50 million Americans are lactose intolerant, including 75% of Native Americans and African Americans, and 90% of Asian Americans. Lactose intolerance is less common among those descended from northern Europeans.[SUP][79][/SUP] Other genetic groups that have a lower prevalence of lactose intolerance are the Tuareg of the Sahara, the Fulani of the West African Sahel, and the Beja and Kabbabish of Sudan, as well as possibly the Tutsi population of the Uganda–Rwanda area.[SUP][80][/SUP] Another locus of lactose tolerance is in Northern India.[SUP][78][/SUP]
Lactose intolerance is a natural process and there is no reliable way to prevent or reverse it.
Some studies suggest that milk consumption may increase the risk of suffering from certain health problems. Cow milk allergy (CMA) is an immunologically mediated adverse reaction to one or more cow's milk proteins. Rarely is it severe enough to cause death.[SUP][81][/SUP]
Milk contains casein, a substance that breaks down in the human stomach to produce casomorphin, an opioid peptide. In the early 1990s it was hypothesized that casomorphin can cause or aggravate autism spectrum disorders,[SUP][82][/SUP][SUP][83][/SUP] and casein-free diets are widely promoted. Studies supporting these claims have had significant flaws, and the data are inadequate to guide autism treatment recommendations.[SUP][83][/SUP]
A study demonstrated that men who drink a large amount of milk and consume dairy products were at a slightly increased risk of developing Parkinson's disease; the effect for women was smaller.[SUP][84][/SUP] The reason behind this is not fully understood, and it also remains unclear why there is less of a risk for women.[SUP][84][/SUP][SUP][85][/SUP] Several sources suggest a correlation between high calcium intake (2000 mg per day, or twice the US recommended daily allowance, equivalent to six or more glasses of milk per day) and prostate cancer.[SUP][86][/SUP] A large study specifically implicates dairy, i.e. low-fat milk and other dairy to which vitamin A palmitate has been added.[SUP][87][/SUP][SUP][88][/SUP]
A review published by the World Cancer Research Fund and the American Institute for Cancer Research states that at least eleven human population studies have linked excessive dairy product consumption and prostate cancer.[SUP][89][/SUP][SUP][90][/SUP]
Medical studies also have shown a possible link between milk consumption and the exacerbation of diseases such as Crohn's disease,[SUP][91][/SUP] Hirschsprung's disease–mimicking symptoms in babies with existing cow's milk allergies,[SUP][92][/SUP] and the aggravation of Behçet's disease.[SUP][93][/SUP]
Bovine growth hormone supplementation
Since November 1993, with FDA approval,[SUP][94][/SUP] Monsanto has been selling recombinant bovine somatotropin (rbST), also called rBGH, to dairy farmers. Cows produce bovine growth hormone naturally, but some producers administer an additional recombinant version of BGH which is produced through a genetically engineered E. coli because it increases milk production. Bovine growth hormone also stimulates liver production of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1). Monsanto has stated that both of these compounds are harmless given the levels found in milk and the effects of pasteurization.[SUP][95][/SUP]
On June 9, 2006, the largest milk processor in the world and the two largest supermarkets in the United States – Dean Foods, Wal-Mart, and Kroger – announced that they are "on a nationwide search for rBGH-free milk."[SUP][96][/SUP] Milk from cows given rBST may be sold in the United States, and the FDA stated that no significant difference has been shown between milk derived from rBST-treated and that from non-rBST-treated cows.[SUP][97][/SUP] Milk that advertises that it comes from cows not treated with rBST, is required to state this finding on its label.
Cows receiving rBGH supplements may more frequently contract an udder infection known as mastitis.[SUP][98][/SUP] Problems with mastitis have led to Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Japan banning milk from rBST treated cows. Mastitis, among other diseases, may be responsible for the fact that levels of white blood cells in milk vary naturally.[SUP][99][/SUP][SUP][100][/SUP]
In the European Union, rBGH is banned.[SUP][101][/SUP]
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