Wir sind nun mal eine islamische Gesellschaft...90% aller Albaner in der Welt sind Muslime...70% sind es in Albanien...also die klare Mehrheit..Zahlen lügen nun mal nicht..und wer dagegen was unternimmt..ist das genauso als ob wir für unseren Volk einen Selbstvernichtungsmechanismus bauen würden..aber es gibt keine Probleme gegen die christliche Minderheit....
Albanien ist auch nicht für umsonst Mitglied der Organization of the Islamic Conference
State Year
Afghanistan 1969
Algeria, People's Democratic Republic of 1969
Chad, Republic of 1969
Egypt, Arab Republic of 1969
Guinea, Republic of 1969
Indonesia, Republic of 1969
Iran, Islamic Republic of 1969
Jordan, Hashemite Kingdom of 1969
Kuwait, State of 1969
Lebanon, Republic of 1969
Libya, Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 1969
Malaysia 1969
Mali, Republic of 1969
Mauritania, Islamic Republic of 1969
Morocco, Kingdom of 1969
Niger, Republic of 1969
Pakistan, Islamic Republic of 1969
Palestine, State of 1969
Yemen, Republic of 1969
Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of 1969
Senegal, Republic of 1969
Sudan, Republic of the 1969
Somalia, Democratic Republic of 1969
Tunisia, Republic of 1969
Turkey, Republic of 1969
Bahrain, State of 1970
Oman, Sultanate of 1970
Qatar, State of 1970
Syrian Arab Republic 1970
United Arab Emirates, State of 1970
Sierra Leone, Republic of 1972
Bangladesh, People's Republic of 1974
Gabon, Republic of 1974
Gambia, Republic of the 1974
Guinea-Bissau, Republic of 1974
Uganda, Republic of 1974
Burkina Faso 1975
Cameroon, Republic of 1975
Comoros, Federal Islamic Republic of the 1976
Iraq, Republic of 1976
Maldives, Republic of 1976
Djibouti, Republic of 1978
Benin, Republic of 1982
Brunei Darussalam, Sultanate of 1984
Nigeria, Federal Republic of 1986
Azerbaijan, Republic of 1991
Albania, Republic of 1992
Kyrgyzstan, Republic of 1992
Tajikistan, Republic of 1992
Turkmenistan, Republic of 1992
Mozambique, Republic of 1994
Kazakhstan, Republic of 1995
Uzbekistan, Republic of 1995
Surinam, Republic of the 1996
Togo, Republic of 1997
Guyana, Republic of 1998
Côte d'Ivoire, Republic of 2001
Observer States
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of 1994
Central African Republic 1997
Thailand, Kingdom of 1998
Russian Federation 2005
Observer Muslim Organizations and Communities
Moro National Liberation Front 1977
Turkish Cypriot State 1979
Observer International Organizations
League of Arab States 1975
United Nations 1976
Non-Aligned Movement 1977
Organization of African Unity 1977
Economic Cooperation Organization 1995