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Wirtschaft Griechenlands - Οικονομία της Ελλάδας - Economy of Greece

  • Ersteller Gelöschtes Mitglied 9433
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Jetzt hab ich in Euronews das mit den gr Fernsehsendern gesehen........

Parteisender sind hochverschhuldet......wär das nicht so ne Schmalachensache wär es lustig......

Die Parteien unterhielten Sender....."herrlich"
[h=1]Zypern und Ägypten wollen Erdgasleitung bauen[/h]
NIKOSIA (dpa-AFX) - Zypern und Ägypten wollen künftig enger im Bereich Energie zusammenarbeiten. Die zuständigen Minister der beiden Mittelmeerstaaten unterzeichneten ein Abkommen zum Bau einer Pipeline, durch die zyprisches Erdgas nach Ägypten geleitet werden soll. Dies berichteten am Mittwoch der staatliche zyprische Rundfunk (RIK) und die grösste zyprische Zeitung "Phileleftheros" (Online).

Unter dem Meeresboden südlich Zyperns sind Erdgasvorkommen entdeckt worden. Mit deren Ausbeutung wird nicht vor 2018 gerechnet. In Ägypten gibt es die Möglichkeit, den Rohstoff in Flüssigerdgas (LNG) umzuwandeln./tt/DP/stb

Zypern und Ägypten wollen Erdgasleitung bauen | 31.08.16 | finanzen.ch
apo logia polla... stin praksi den kanoume omos apolitos tipota.. opos se kathe tomea^^

oti kai na poume ine kai poli poli diskola jia tous dikous mas, na kanoune kai kati me apotelesma kalo. Den ine kai kala oti kinissi kai na doume, na tin gelassoume.

xpiasomaste kai ligo elpida kai ipomoni........ego postewo omos oti tha to kataferoune i kiwernites..........jia emene ine sigura oti tha prosperassoume.... :)

Dipla apo tous arketous malakes pou sinantame kathimeris, dipla ap'aftous echoume kai kala kephalia . Kephalia pou den xeroun mono to parapono, alla kai tin doulia kai to ergo....kai lipoun meriki enthusiasmeni akoma...........tha gini, tha gini to moro :) :) :)
Greece's Energean signs $148.5M deal for gas exploration in Israel

The expected purchase of Karish and Tanin gas reservoirs by the Greek oil and gas company Energean will be a catalyst for other international companies interested in exploring Israel’s Mediterranean, a source linked to the project told The Jerusalem Post on Tuesday.

Energean’s entrance into the Israeli gas industry “opens the sector,” the source said.

“The signal to the market is given: there’s something going on in Israel. You used to have a monopoly. Now you have a potential market.”

Although still pending Israeli government approval, the $148.5 million deal was signed by Athens-based Energean Oil & Gas in mid-August to purchase the gas reservoirs from two Delek Group subsidiaries, as well as pay the Israeli companies royalties from future gas and condensate sales. The likely sale of Karish and Tanin marked a first concrete step toward advancing Israel’s gas industry, following recent approval of the contentious “gas outline” that rattled the sector for all of 2015.

Meanwhile, just a week and a half before the signing, the National Infrastructure, Energy and Water Ministry announced that the country, after a four-year hiatus, would be opening up its Mediterranean waters to new exploration – marketing 24 new blocks in an international tender.

“It’s very important that ahead of this tender regarding the 24 blocks, that there’s a newcomer that gets in the Israeli market,” the source said. “It’s not just Delek and Noble as we’re used to.”

The entry of Energean into the sector, according to the source, will incentivize other companies to come explore as well.
Greece's Energean signs $148.5M deal for gas exploration in Israel | Al Bawaba



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Greece's Energean signs $148.5M deal for gas exploration in Israel

The expected purchase of Karish and Tanin gas reservoirs by the Greek oil and gas company Energean will be a catalyst for other international companies interested in exploring Israel’s Mediterranean, a source linked to the project told The Jerusalem Post on Tuesday.

Energean’s entrance into the Israeli gas industry “opens the sector,” the source said.

“The signal to the market is given: there’s something going on in Israel. You used to have a monopoly. Now you have a potential market.”

Although still pending Israeli government approval, the $148.5 million deal was signed by Athens-based Energean Oil & Gas in mid-August to purchase the gas reservoirs from two Delek Group subsidiaries, as well as pay the Israeli companies royalties from future gas and condensate sales. The likely sale of Karish and Tanin marked a first concrete step toward advancing Israel’s gas industry, following recent approval of the contentious “gas outline” that rattled the sector for all of 2015.

Meanwhile, just a week and a half before the signing, the National Infrastructure, Energy and Water Ministry announced that the country, after a four-year hiatus, would be opening up its Mediterranean waters to new exploration – marketing 24 new blocks in an international tender.

“It’s very important that ahead of this tender regarding the 24 blocks, that there’s a newcomer that gets in the Israeli market,” the source said. “It’s not just Delek and Noble as we’re used to.”

The entry of Energean into the sector, according to the source, will incentivize other companies to come explore as well.
Greece's Energean signs $148.5M deal for gas exploration in Israel | Al Bawaba

Ich spiele ein Land und ihr müsst es erraten: „Ha, das bringt uns in eine noch bessere geopolitische Lage. Jetzt wo sich die Beziehungen zu Russland normalisieren haben wir die USA schon fast überholt. Ich meine... wer braucht schon die USA?“

(Ähnliche Beispiele werden im Zwei-Wochen-Takt wiederholt.)