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Wirtschaft Griechenlands - Οικονομία της Ελλάδας - Economy of Greece

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The vision of a new Greece as encapsulated in the 244-page action plan drafted by the committee of experts led by Nobel Laureate Sir Christopher Pissarides foresees across-the-board reforms to all sectors so as to ensure the development of the economy in a way that will lead to an increase in per capita income, strengthen social cohesion and improve the country's environmental performance.

The report made public Tuesday specifies that this radical overhaul will not only rely on interventions in the tax or insurance systems, but also on reforms in education, health, justice, public administration and town planning.

The report targets an average annual growth rate of 3.5% by 2030 to bring per capita GDP to 81% of the EU average, from 67% today. It also foresees that unemployment will fall by that time to 7% from 17% today.

The Greek government presented on Wednesday its preliminary proposal for the distribution of support from the European Union’s coronavirus recovery fund, totalling 32 billion euros.

Greece is to get 19.4 billion euros in grants and 12.7 billion in cheap loans over the next six years.

The main pillars of the Greek plan are a green and digital transformation, employment and social cohesion, private investments and transformation of the economy, said Deputy Finance Minister Theodoros Skylakakis, who presented the plan.

The green transformation will be funded with 6.2 billion euros (38% of total funds). Some of the projects are the interconnection of Crete and the Cyclades with the electricity network of the mainland, the simplification of licensing procedures for RES, the energy upgrade of buildings, the reform of urban planning, the electromobility (including in public transport) biodiversity, the natural environment and protection against natural disasters.

The digital transformation will receive 2.1 billion euros (13% of the total) and will be allocated for the pre-installation of fiber optics in buildings, the infrastructure for the transition to 5G technology, the digital transformation of the state and companies and tax incentives.

The third pillar of employment, skills and social cohesion will receive 4.1 billion euros (25% of the total). It will include active and passive labor market policies (subsidizing labor over unemployment), modernizing labor law (skills, incentives for active labor), the modernization of vocational education and training, the individual health record and the digital transformation of health services, the fight against discrimination and the rationalization-boosting of state benefits.

Finally, private investments and the transformation of the economy, with be funded with 4 billion euros (24% of total). It envisages the complete codification of tax legislation, the modernization of the public administration, the fight against money laundering and corruption, the acceleration of the administration of justice, the establishment of a Credit Bureau and a Credit Expansion Observatory (to avoid an increase in “red” loans), promoting research and innovation and linking university research with production.

The vision of a new Greece as encapsulated in the 244-page action plan drafted by the committee of experts led by Nobel Laureate Sir Christopher Pissarides foresees across-the-board reforms to all sectors so as to ensure the development of the economy in a way that will lead to an increase in per capita income, strengthen social cohesion and improve the country's environmental performance.

The report made public Tuesday specifies that this radical overhaul will not only rely on interventions in the tax or insurance systems, but also on reforms in education, health, justice, public administration and town planning.

The report targets an average annual growth rate of 3.5% by 2030 to bring per capita GDP to 81% of the EU average, from 67% today. It also foresees that unemployment will fall by that time to 7% from 17% today.

Wer nichts Besseres zu tun hat. Die kompletten 244 Seiten gibt es hier:


Griechenland wartet auf den Corona-Geldsegen​

Griechenland soll aus dem Programm bis 2026 Zuschüsse von 19,4 und günstige Kredite von 12,7 Milliarden Euro erhalten. Die Gesamtsumme von 32,1 Milliarden entspricht 17 Prozent des letztjährigen Bruttoinlandsprodukts (BIP). Damit bekommt das Land im Verhältnis zur Wirtschaftsleistung mehr Hilfen als jeder andere EU-Staat. Rechnet man jene 40 Milliarden hinzu, die Griechenland bis 2027 aus den Struktur- und Kohäsionsfonds der EU zustehen, kommt man sogar auf Fördergelder von gut 72 Milliarden Euro. Das ist mehr als der gesamte Staatshaushalt 2021.

Aktuell ist die Wirtschaftsleistung ca. auf dem Niveau als das Land Pleite war. Damals hatte der IWF 110 und total +300 Mrd ausgezahlt.
Die deutsche Firma Next.e.GO wird in Zusammenarbeit mit Enterprise Greece eine Fabrik für Elektroautos in Griechenland bauen in der ersten Phase sollen 30 tausend Autos pro Jahr vom band laufen.

Zudem haben Next.e.GO Mobile SE und Enterprise Greece, der Investitionsarm des griechischen Staates, vereinbart, ein Joint Venture zu gründen. Zusammen wollen sie in Griechenland eine Fabrik für Fahrzeuge auf der Plattform e.GO Life aufbauen.


Griechenland und Deutschland wollen gemeinsam Elektroautos produzieren. Eine entsprechende Kooperationsabsicht wurde am Mittwoch (16.12.) zwischen der griechischen Investitionsgesellschaft Enterprice Greece und dem deutschen Unternehmen aus Aachen Next.e.GO unterzeichnet.

In erster Phase sollen ab 2023 bis zu 30.000 Elektroautos pro Jahr vom Band laufen. Dadurch werden schätzungsweise etwa 1.000 neue Arbeitsplätze in der Fabrik und bis zu 5.000 indirekte Arbeitsplätze entstehen. Die Gesamtinvestition beträgt 100 Millionen Euro. Zudem will Next.e.Go ein Innovationszentrum in Griechenland gründen.