Μακεδоν τ
Ohhh... etwa beleidigt? :
Schwachsinn. Es gibt beides, "Republic of Macedonia" und "Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia". Klar sind die Türken die grössten Investoren, immerhin sind sie Erzfeinde mit den Griechen.
Ist übrigens kein Müll, sondern die Realität, die ausserhalb deines Zimmers existiert. Geh mal raus und atme die frische Luft ein. Das und frische Kastravec werden dir gut tun.
Was heißt hier Realität? Wohl deine Realität in deiner festgefahrenen Anti-makedonischen Haltung.
Zuerst behauptest du keiner würde in Makedonien investieren, aber wie es aussieht hast du wohl einfach nur Scheiße gelabert

- - - Aktualisiert - - -
The economy in Debar will revive with “Mali Losinj” investment
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Economy Minister Valon Sarachini and the Mayor of Debar, Ruzhdie Ljata today visited the factory of the Croatian company “Mali Losinj”, built near the village of Gari.
- So far, the field work is carried out according to the planned schedule. Approximately € 1.5 million are invested, which includes preparatory work, excavation, plug in the power station, as well as the foundation for the plant. Currently 15 workers are operating with the necessary machinery, the Economy Minister said.
The total investment of the Croatian company is €6 million and about 70 jobs are planned.
He said that construction of the plant for bottled water is one of a number of projects that are implemented in the Debar region, besides the projects in the field of tourism, energy and infrastructure.
The representative Drazen Balic noted that construction of the plant will cost about € 2.5 million and will cover an area of 3,700 square meters. Construction of production, warehouse and administrative building is planned.
Debar Mayor Ruzhdie Ljata considers the investment to be the start of the economic revival in the Debar region.
- This plant means a lot for the community and instills hope that the favorable investment conditions and the beautiful landscape will attract many foreign investors, and it will revive the municipality, there will be work for everyone and the migration will stop, Ljata said.
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