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Wirtschaft Mazedoniens - Економија на Македонија - Economy of Macedonia (Rep. of)

The Economist: Led by VMRO-DPMNE, Macedonia will continue the positive economic reforms


The influential London newspaper The Economist predicts victory of the ruling VMRO-DPMNE on the upcoming elections and concludes that the successful policies will continue.

“The ruling VMRO-DPMNE coalition remains relatively popular, and is expected to remain secure in power. The long-standing name dispute with Greece and disagreements with Bulgaria remain impediments to Macedonia’s EU and NATO membership ambitions. Ethnic relations remain problematic and occasionally flare into violence. After returning to growth in 2013, we expect the economy to continue expanding at a robust rate in 2014-18. Recent reform efforts should underpin stronger FDI inflows.”

Windmills in Bogdanci soon will produce “green” electricity


As they say from the “Macedonian Power Plants” (“ELEM”), soon this capital power capacity, which is the first of its kind in the country, will be ready to enter into trial production of electricity, and regular production of the so-called green energy in late May or early June, reports Vecher.

Fully completed are all 16 in the first wind park for wind power plants located in Ranavec – Bogdanci and currently in full swing are the activities for its connection to the electricity network MEPSO. As they say of “Macedonian Power Plants” (ELEM) soon this capital power plant, the first of its kind in the country will be ready to enter trial production of electricity and regular production of so-called green energy at the end of May or early June.
- It will be followed by period of testing the performance of the complete technical equipment. At the same time, will start paving the complete infrastructure for horticultural activities in the area around the windmills. In accordance with the schedule for work, this upcoming spring capacity will enter into regular production of electricity – say from ELEM and remind us that the process of editing and was preceded by an extremely complex operation of transport of the components for the windmills.

PVE Bogdanci with 16 wind power plants is expected to deliver at least 100 gigawatt -hours of sustained natural energy, which annually, is enough to supply 60,000 households of citizens in the country.
- At the same time, they will increase the installed capacity of ELEM to 36.8 megawatt -hours. This project will increase the share of renewable sources in the production of our company – say from ELEM.
According to them, only the parts for one windmill to be transported from Thessaloniki port to the location were deployed in a dozen large trucks, which formed convoy of more than a mile. The total weight of all components that make up a wind turbine exceeds 330 tons.

The company informed that the turbines are produced by Siemens –Denmark and are among the best ones in its class. The installed capacity of each is 2.3 MW, the height of the pillar is 84 meters and the diameter of the propeller equals 93 meters.

The project is worth 55.5 million euro, loan from the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany through KfW Bank in the amount of 47.9 million euro, while 7.6 million euro are already provided by ELEM’s own funds.
After the start and production of electricity from wind, in Macedonia will be significantly increased the production of energy from renewable sources, which by 2020 should reach 20 % of total production. At the moment it reaches 13.7 % of total electricity production in the country.

The energy investment company ELEM in the past few years is in the considerable progress. Precisely for these reasons, as stated in the Report on the done work by the Government led by VMRO – DPMNE and coalition partners for 2011-2014, currently the long-term interest for Republic of Macedonia is ELEM not be sold and to remain fully state- owned.

Sweden is European record holder for energy produced from renewable sources
According to the analysis of Eurostat andMember States of the EU continually invest in energy facilities that generate so-called green energy from renewable sources.
The highest percentage of renewable energy as part of the final energy consumption in 2012 statisticians registered inSweden, where they reached high 51.0 % of the total energy produced. Following them isLatviawith 35.8 %,Finlandwith 34.3 % and 32.1 % inAustria.BulgariaandEstoniaare countries that are expected to have over 20 % of the production of energy from renewable sources.
For the moment being at the bottom of the list isMaltawith 1.4 %,Luxembourg3.1 %,UKwith 4.2 %, andNetherlandswith 4.5 %.

“Fitch” confirmed Macedonia’s stable rating


The credit rating agency “Fitch” affirmed the Macedonian rating of “BB +” with a stable outlook, NetPress reports.

The credit agency notes that the real growth of the gross domestic product of 3.1 percent was driven by the construction sector, which occupies 50 percent of GDP growth.
Thanks to incentives through public investment, “Fitch” noted, the growth is expected to increase in 2014 and 2015, to 3.2 or 3.5 percent.
Foreign direct investments, which are a quarter of the country’s exports, are expected to continue to provide a higher rate of growth, and unemployment remains at around 29 percent.
Despite the increase in investments, the level of citizens’ savings is still low, which limits growth in the medium term. Inflation in 2013 averaged 2.8 percent, and is expected to remain around three percent in 2014 and 2015, thanks to high interest rates which are supported by the currency peg.
The central government deficit, as “Fitch” stated in the report, remained unchanged in 2013 compared with the previous year, or four percent of the value of GDP. Government will continue with fiscal incentives during the year, through social transfers and investment in large infrastructure projects. These projects are supported from international financial institutions.
“Fitch” estimates that the targeted deficit of 3.5 percent is sustainable and will not fall below three per cent by 2015, while the government supports capital investments.
Government’s gross debt is expected to have a modest increase of about 36 percent this year, and one more percentage point in 2015. The relatively short maturity period of liabilities means that the needs for funds will be about 13 percent of the value of GDP, but since about 79 percent of the public debt is in foreign currency, it leaves the public finances vulnerable to exchange rate fluctuations.
According to current surveys, as “Fitch” points out, the ruling VMRO – DPMNE will probably win a majority in parliament in the upcoming elections to be held in April, which according to the report, will not have a great impact on the policy.
There will be no significant progress towards membership in NATO and the European Union, the agency points out, largely because of the name issue with Greece.
The current account deficit of Macedonia has some expansion in recent years and is expected to be four this year, and 4.5 percent of the value of GDP in the next year.
Net external debt of the country will continue to move in the range of about 15 percent and the banking sector, as “Fitch” noted, is well capitalized with 14.4 percent capital adequacy. Nonperforming loans occupy 10.9 percent, but there is no need for panic because they are fully covered by reserves. However, the system is focused on three banks which make about two – thirds of credit and deposit base in Macedonia.

Novomatic spielt mit Groß-Casino in Mazedonien auf
Der Konzern setzt mit Niki Lauda als Testimonial auf Glücksspieler aus Griechenland.

Novomatic spielt mit Groß-Casino in Mazedonien auf - KURIER.at

Freitagabend im Casino FlaminGO in Mazedonien, nur wenige Hundert Meter hinter der griechischen Grenze. An den 450 Automaten und 30 Spieltischen drängen sich die Gäste. Die meisten von ihnen sind Griechen. Am Grenzübergang stauen sich auch um Mitternacht noch die Autos aus dem Großraum Thessaloniki.
Der griechische Staat ist zwar pleite, doch genügend Bürger dürften ausreichend Budget haben, um ihr Glück im Spiel zu versuchen. "In Griechenland gibt es nur drei Casinos, diese können die Nachfrage nicht befriedigen", erklärt Novomatic-General Franz Wohlfahrt, warum der heimische Glücksspielkonzern den Standort in Mazedonien erwarb. Novomatic übernahm das Groß-Casino im Herbst von einem österreichischen Investor. 40 Millionen Euro wurden bereits investiert, zusätzliche sieben Millionen werden in den weiteren Ausbau der Spielflächen und des Hotels gesteckt. Der Komplex umfasst neben dem Casino mit zwei Restaurants und Konzertbühne auch ein Fünf-Sterne-Hotel. Gespielt wird rund um die Uhr, Sperrstunde gibt’s nicht. Pro Tag gambeln hier rund 1500 Gäste.

Der mazedonische Glücksspielmarkt ist streng reguliert, das zweite zugelassene Casino ist in Gehweite zum Novomatic-Betrieb. Auch hier spielt es sich ab. Neben dem Casino betreibt Novomatic in Mazedonien noch 33 von insgesamt 65 genehmigten Automaten-Salons, in den nächsten zwei Monaten werden sechs weitere Spielstätten aufgesperrt, kündigte Wohlfahrt jetzt bei der Neueröffnung des Casinos FlaminGO an. Der Konzern des niederösterreichischen Industriellen Johann F. Graf ist mit rund 1000 lokalen Beschäftigten der zweitgrößte österreichische Investor in Mazedonien.

Für Niki Lauda war das Reopening nicht nur der Premieren-Auftritt im Auftrag seines neuen Kapperl-Sponsors Novomatic, sondern sein erster Casino-Besuch überhaupt. Die Popularität des dreifachen Formel-1-Weltmeisters und Aufsichtsratschefs des Mercedes-Rennstalls in Südeuropa ist enorm. Bereits bei der Ankunft am Flughafen wird Lauda umlagert von Fans und schreibt geduldig Autogramme. Im Casino empfangen ihn die Spieler mit begeistertem Applaus.
"Novomatic ist das modernste Unternehmen, das ich je gesehen habe. Winning Technology, das haben Mercedes und Novomatic gemeinsam", zeigt sich Lauda von seinem Sponsor, der Technologie-Weltmarktführer im Glücksspielgeschäft ist, beeindruckt. "Niki steht für Novomatic für Hightech, globale Ausrichtung, Schnelligkeit und konsequente Umsetzungsqualität", kontert Wohlfahrt. Lauda, dessen Novomatic-Vertrag vier Jahre läuft, muss pro Jahr zehn Auftritte als Testimonial absolvieren.
Macedonia: big progress in a small country

By Brian Caplen | Published: 24 March, 2014 |


Zoran Stavreski is Macedonia's deputy prime minister and minister of finance. Here he shares his views on his country’s economic outlook and prospects for EU membership with Brian Caplen.

Q: What is the broad economic outlook for Macedonia?
A: Macedonia is a dynamic economy. We have been able to achieve growth of 3.3% in 2013, which was one of the best in Europe. We did the same in 2010 and 2011 when most of Europe was in recession. Unemployment has been reduced, although it is still significant; our budget and public finances are in order and our total debt is at a sustainable level. Our general government debt is 34% of gross domestic product [GDP].

Q: How is Macedonia’s banking sector progressing?

A: The banking sector has been one of the pillars of growth. It stayed sound and stable during the crisis and provided the necessary credit support for the private sector. It is well supervised by the central bank, which applies all Basel criteria. The sector is three-quarters owned by foreign institutions.
The capital adequacy ratio is at 17%, which is almost twice as high as the regulations stipulate. There were no spillover effects from the banking crisis in Europe, mainly because domestic banks have relied on domestic deposits rather than on foreign funding. Our loan-to-deposit ratio is still below 100%; it is 90% and so very stable.

Q: Macedonia’s credit-to-GDP ratio is also low at 45%. Should banks be lending more?

A: Credit activity was not as strong as in some other countries. There is a lower credit-to-GDP ratio in Macedonia than in many other countries, which shows there is room for an increase… [provided the lending is to] profitable projects that are not going to increase the rate of non-performing loans in the banking sector. What we expect from the perspective of the Macedonian banking sector is probably a consolidation – so not more banks, but stronger banks. In this context we are very much open to new investors who are willing either to buy existing banks or establish their presence in Macedonia.

Q: Macedonia came 25th in the latest World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business ranking. How have you made it easier to do business in Macedonia?

A: There is no other way but through having the right staff and making consistent reforms. Macedonia is a small country and attracting investors in a small and landlocked country is not an easy job. First you need to put things in order. You need to improve significantly the business environment and the existing infrastructure. You need to have a labour force that has good skills and is competitive, not only in terms of cost, but also in terms of quality.
So this is what we did over the past couple of years. We invested a lot in infrastructure and we invested about 6% of GDP in education. We also implemented various reforms in order to streamline procedures, reduce bureaucracy and make the business environment as easy as possible.
The flat tax was one of the most important reforms in 2006, which was followed up by reforms in the regulatory environment, in property rights, the judiciary and all other areas that are important for investors. This is how we improved our ranking. We were ranked 94th in 2006 and now currently we are 25th in the world. We are well ahead of 17 members of the EU.
So the challenge for us as a government is basically to stay consistent and constantly adapt, and to improve the business environment because that is how you meet the challenges and the needs of the private sector.

Q: How is Macedonia progressing with joining the EU? The Greeks opposes Macedonia joining because the country’s name is highly symbolic for them.

A: Macedonia has been a candidate for EU membership since 2005 and we are now compliant [with EU requirements] and we have harmonised our legislation with EU legislation. So on the pure merits, on the pure criteria, we deserve to be a member of the EU and at least to open negotiations.
However, this is a world in which irrational issues sometimes become important and one of these is the name issue with Greece, our neighbour, objecting to our membership of the EU because of our name. We are trying to establish dialogue with the government but because of their own internal situation and the economic problems in Greece, for the time being there is no counterpart on that side to talk to about these issues. We will keep trying to reach an understanding and become a member of the EU.

Zoran, wie kannst du nur tagtäglich die Regierungspropaganda der VMRO-DPMNE posten, wenn du doch weisst, wie es auf dem Balkan abläuft. Durch deine Beiträge erhält man den Eindruck, Mazedonien gehe es prima...
Zoran, wie kannst du nur tagtäglich die Regierungspropaganda der VMRO-DPMNE posten, wenn du doch weisst, wie es auf dem Balkan abläuft. Durch deine Beiträge erhält man den Eindruck, Mazedonien gehe es prima...

Ist wohl auch der Sinn seiner Propaganda.

Zoran, wie kannst du nur tagtäglich die Regierungspropaganda der VMRO-DPMNE posten, wenn du doch weisst, wie es auf dem Balkan abläuft. Durch deine Beiträge erhält man den Eindruck, Mazedonien gehe es prima...

Makedonien gehts auch prima, schau mal nach Albanien, da gibts teilweise nur Halbtags Strom.

Makedonien gehts auch prima, schau mal nach Albanien, da gibts teilweise nur Halbtags Strom.

Nein, Mazedonien geht es nicht prima. Überall gibt es Korruption, die Staatsverwaltung wechselt nach jedem Regierungswechsel ihre Beamten aus, die Armut ist in weiten Teilen ein Problem, das Gesundheitssystem ist katastrophal, die Jugend ist perspektivlos, Arbeitslosigkeit überall, organisierte Kriminalität, nur begrenzte Pressefreiheit, slawisch-mazedonische Dominanz im Staatsapparat und und und...
Soll das etwa "prima" sein?
Nein, Mazedonien geht es nicht prima. Überall gibt es Korruption, die Staatsverwaltung wechselt nach jedem Regierungswechsel ihre Beamten aus, die Armut ist in weiten Teilen ein Problem, das Gesundheitssystem ist katastrophal, die Jugend ist perspektivlos, Arbeitslosigkeit überall, organisierte Kriminalität, nur begrenzte Pressefreiheit, slawisch-mazedonische Dominanz im Staatsapparat und und und...
Soll das etwa "prima" sein?

Hier geht es um Wirtschaft.

Also bleib dabei.

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Überall gibt es Korruption

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die Armut ist in weiten Teilen ein Problem

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