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Nach deiner These müssten 60% der Albaner Verräters sein,
weil sie den Islam angenommen haben und die anderen Albos im Stich gelassen haben.
Was ich dazu sagen würde? Ich sags lieber nicht, sonst werde ich villeicht gesperrt. :icon_smile:
Die Liste finde ich interessant, da ließt man mehr "Albanian Ottoman" als "Turkish Ottoman".
Hm. Die Albaner lieben die Türken einfach, wie ich sagte. :icon_smile:
Nach deiner These müssten 60% der Albaner Verräters sein,
weil sie den Islam angenommen haben und die anderen Albos im Stich gelassen haben.
Was ich dazu sagen würde? Ich sags lieber nicht, sonst werde ich villeicht gesperrt. :icon_smile:

Hm. Die Albaner lieben die Türken einfach, wie ich sagte. :icon_smile:

Die meisten haben nur zum schein den glauben angenommen,weil sie bettelarm waren um nicht die ottomanen durchfüttern zu müssen,die katholiken mussten hohe steuern zahlen und die Ottomanen beschenken.
Da hat das familien obehaupt den islam angenommen,aber nur aussen.Zu hause war er wieder Christ,vorallem früher war das so.
Das ist aber eine art aufzwingen,wenn man nicht die Ottomanen durchfüttern konnte,was meinst du wäre passiert?

Und heute gibt es in Albanien 37% Muslims,nicht mehr.
Denn die Atheisten werden fälschlicherweise dem islamischen glauben zugeschrieben.32% christen und der rest atheisten.
Würde mich interessieren wer die atheisten zu den islam zählt.

Die atheisten selber behaupten sogar das es 75% von ihnen in Albanien gibt.

Feja dhe statistikat fetare në Shqipëri

e enjte, 14 qershor 2007 / Legjion
Pjesa më e madhe shqiptarëve sot në Shqipëri i përkasin një konglomerati jo-fetar dhe ateist që kap rreth 75% të popullsisë.

Feja dhe statistikat fetare në Shqipëri
War Enver Pasha nicht auch noch ein albanischer Verräter?
Enver Bey was born to a not well-to-do family in Constantinople.[1][2] According to Mark Mazower his father was a Turkish bridge-keeper and his mother an Albanian peasant.[3] He studied for different degrees in military schools in the empire and finally he graduated from the Harp Akademisi in 1903. He became a Major in 1906. He was sent to the Third Army, which was stationed in Salonica. During his service in the city, he became a member of the Committee of Union and Progress (CUP).

:biggrin:.. wenn wir schon dran sind:

Ali Sami Yen

Ali Sami Yen, born in Kandilli, Constantinople[1][2] (now Istanbul), Ottoman Empire on May 20, 1886, is best known as the founder of Galatasaray Sports Club. His original name was Ali Sami Frashëri and he is the son of Sami Frashëri, one of the most famous Albanian writers, philosophers and playwrights. After the enactment of law on family names in 1934[3], he took the surname Yen, which literally means “beat!”.
He was a student at the prestigious Galatasaray Lycee in Constantinople. In October 1905, he decided with some of his fellow students to create a football club. At the beginning, the stated goal was “To play together like Englishmen, to have a color and a name, and to beat the other non Turkish teams” according to him.
Yen was the club's first president for 13 years, between 1905 and 1918, and again for a brief spell in 1925.
Besides founding Galatasaray SK, he made numerous other contributions to Turkish sports. He was president of the Turkish National Olympic Committee between 1926 and 1931. He coached the Turkish national team in its first international match, in 1923 against Romania.

Ali Sami Yen died in 1951.
As founder and first president of Galatasaray SK, Ali Sami Yen gave his name to Galatasaray's stadium. With a capacity of 25,000 seats, the Ali Sami Yen Stadium is situated in the center of Istanbul, in Mecidiyeköy.
der thread ist doch scheiße, jeder zweite ist ein verräter nur weil er für ein anderes land gespielt hat oder was weis ich was.
wen juckts, die halbe deutsche und schweizer nationalmannschaft besteht aus ausländern.
Ob sie eine Verräterin ist ? :D

Serbische Sängerin singt am Bajram für die Radikal Islamischen Mudzhadine in der Islamisten Hochburg Sarajevo.

"Pije se, jede i veseli": Dara Bubamara na proslavi Bajrama u Sarajevu!

24SI - Glavna zvijezda na proslavi Bajrama u Sarajevu biće Dara Bubamara. Cijeli grad je izlijepljen plakatima u kojima se najavljuje gostovanje srbijanske pjevačice prvog dana velikog muslimaskog praznika u diskoteci "In".

24sata.info - "Pije se, jede i veseli": Dara Bubamara na proslavi Bajrama u Sarajevu!

Ich hab festgestellt, dass Du hier mit Abstand den grössten Serbenkomplex hast !!!:confused:
Enver Bey was born to a not well-to-do family in Constantinople.[1][2] According to Mark Mazower his father was a Turkish bridge-keeper and his mother an Albanian peasant.[3] He studied for different degrees in military schools in the empire and finally he graduated from the Harp Akademisi in 1903. He became a Major in 1906. He was sent to the Third Army, which was stationed in Salonica. During his service in the city, he became a member of the Committee of Union and Progress (CUP).

:biggrin:.. wenn wir schon dran sind:

Ali Sami Yen

Ali Sami Yen, born in Kandilli, Constantinople[1][2] (now Istanbul), Ottoman Empire on May 20, 1886, is best known as the founder of Galatasaray Sports Club. His original name was Ali Sami Frashëri and he is the son of Sami Frashëri, one of the most famous Albanian writers, philosophers and playwrights. After the enactment of law on family names in 1934[3], he took the surname Yen, which literally means “beat!”.
He was a student at the prestigious Galatasaray Lycee in Constantinople. In October 1905, he decided with some of his fellow students to create a football club. At the beginning, the stated goal was “To play together like Englishmen, to have a color and a name, and to beat the other non Turkish teams” according to him.
Yen was the club's first president for 13 years, between 1905 and 1918, and again for a brief spell in 1925.
Besides founding Galatasaray SK, he made numerous other contributions to Turkish sports. He was president of the Turkish National Olympic Committee between 1926 and 1931. He coached the Turkish national team in its first international match, in 1923 against Romania.

Ali Sami Yen died in 1951.
As founder and first president of Galatasaray SK, Ali Sami Yen gave his name to Galatasaray's stadium. With a capacity of 25,000 seats, the Ali Sami Yen Stadium is situated in the center of Istanbul, in Mecidiyeköy.

Ali Sami Yen, ich verehre ihn sehr, als ein Fan von Galatasaray.
Galatasaray ist ein Teil meines Lebens, somit hat Ali Sami Yen, der Türke, der von Albanern gezeugt wurde, ebenfalls einen großen Platz in meinem Herzen.

"Unser Ziel ist es , wie die Engländer eigene Farben zu haben und Nicht-Türkische Mannschaften zu besiegen", ein wahrer Türke, der übrigens auch der erste Nationaltrainer der Türkei war.