Das kann doch wirklich nicht sein.Klar doch,
In February 2015, at the conclusion of the Croatia–Serbia genocide case, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) dismissed a Serbian lawsuit which alleged that Operation Storm constituted genocide,[213] ruling that Croatia did not have the specific intent to exterminate the country's Serb minority, though it reaffirmed that serious crimes against Serb civilians had taken place.[213][214] The court also found that the HV left accessible escape routes for civilians.[215] They also found that, at most, the leaders of Croatia envisaged that the military offensive would have the effect of causing the flight of the great majority of the Serb population, that they were satisfied with that consequence and they wished to encourage the departure of the Serb civilians, but do not establish the existence of the specific intent which characterizes genocide.[216] According to the judgement, Serb civilians fleeing their homes, as well as those remaining in UN protected areas, were subject to various forms of harassment by both the HV and Croatian civilians.[217] On 8 August, a refugee column was shelled.[217]
Also quasi genau das was ich niedergeschrieben habe.
Nicht nur am Dienstag hab' ich dir exakt das gleiche kopiert, sondern auch gerade vor einer halben Stunde ungefähr zum 10. Mal.
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CIA: Oluja größte serbische Niederlage seit der Wehrmacht
Das ist lustig wenn alle dir hier im Forum sagen, halt du bist komplett auf dem Holzweg du aber unbeirrt in die gleiche Kerbe schlägst :lol: :lol: Ich finde es bisweilen ok, er argumentiert zumindest seinen Standpunkt und ist nicht beleidigend. Ein Forum lebt von Diskussionen und diese hier...
Nochmal ganz einfach: Genozid: Nein – ethnische "Säuberung": Ja