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Das albanische Element im modernen Griechenland

ok, danke. dankovszky war eigentlich prof. der gr. sprache.. er wird sich aus welchem grund auch immer, einiges zurecht gelegt haben.

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da passt ja überhaupt nix.
his historical continuity is also proved by the comparison of measurements of the contemporary inhabitants with those of the ancient skulls of Greece, which statistically show no differences. Despite the occasional influences and limited migrations of populations, the anthropological research has shown that the population of Greece is basically native and that the contemporary Greeks are descendants of the ancient peoples who resided in the Greek peninsula.

Avgi, 6-1-1962: “Over 150 scientists of the University and the Academy of Moscow have fully agreed with the scientific views of Mr. Aris. Poulianos, underlining the seriousness of the research, and without sparing their expressions, they spoke with praising words about him. Dr S. A. Tocarev, professor of ethnography in the University of Moscow and head of the Department of Ethnography regarding the peoples of Europe at the Institute of Ethnography of the Moscow Academy of Sciences, stated the following:

From the other side of Atlantic, in USA, the director of the Smithsonian Institute, G.L. Angel, in a book review of “The origins of the Greeks” at the American Journal of Physical Anthropology (No 22, v. 5, 1964, p. 343) writes: Aris Poulianos… correctly verifies that there is a full genetic continuity from ancient to contemporary times.


schöne grüße an artemi übringens ;^^;

Indem sinne, ist es alles mal wieder Dünnschiss was ihr labert :lol:

his historical continuity is also proved by the comparison of measurements of the contemporary inhabitants with those of the ancient skulls of Greece, which statistically show no differences. Despite the occasional influences and limited migrations of populations, the anthropological research has shown that the population of Greece is basically native and that the contemporary Greeks are descendants of the ancient peoples who resided in the Greek peninsula.

Avgi, 6-1-1962: “Over 150 scientists of the University and the Academy of Moscow have fully agreed with the scientific views of Mr. Aris. Poulianos, underlining the seriousness of the research, and without sparing their expressions, they spoke with praising words about him. Dr S. A. Tocarev, professor of ethnography in the University of Moscow and head of the Department of Ethnography regarding the peoples of Europe at the Institute of Ethnography of the Moscow Academy of Sciences, stated the following:

From the other side of Atlantic, in USA, the director of the Smithsonian Institute, G.L. Angel, in a book review of “The origins of the Greeks” at the American Journal of Physical Anthropology (No 22, v. 5, 1964, p. 343) writes: Aris Poulianos… correctly verifies that there is a full genetic continuity from ancient to contemporary times.


schöne grüße an artemi übringens ;^^;

Indem sinne, ist es alles mal wieder Dünnschiss was ihr labert :lol:

De La Greco ist Albaner:al1:
Jaja der "alte ihr Griechen seid in wahrheit keine Griechen" trick, der ist schon älter als die Phillhellenen selbst :D
Den hat schon falmeyer probiert und ist gehörig damit auf die schnauze gefallen, seid den 40er Jahren gelten seine Thesen im allgemeinen als dünnschiss ;)
Und was soll daran schlecht sein, wenn viele der Griechen welche arvanitische Wurzel haben? Gemischt zu sein ist aus genetischer Sicht eher vorteilhaft. Wenn man tatsächlich "rein-rässig" wäre, wäre das schon problematisch.
his historical continuity is also proved by the comparison of measurements of the contemporary inhabitants with those of the ancient skulls of Greece, which statistically show no differences. Despite the occasional influences and limited migrations of populations, the anthropological research has shown that the population of Greece is basically native and that the contemporary Greeks are descendants of the ancient peoples who resided in the Greek peninsula.

Avgi, 6-1-1962: “Over 150 scientists of the University and the Academy of Moscow have fully agreed with the scientific views of Mr. Aris. Poulianos, underlining the seriousness of the research, and without sparing their expressions, they spoke with praising words about him. Dr S. A. Tocarev, professor of ethnography in the University of Moscow and head of the Department of Ethnography regarding the peoples of Europe at the Institute of Ethnography of the Moscow Academy of Sciences, stated the following:

From the other side of Atlantic, in USA, the director of the Smithsonian Institute, G.L. Angel, in a book review of “The origins of the Greeks” at the American Journal of Physical Anthropology (No 22, v. 5, 1964, p. 343) writes: Aris Poulianos… correctly verifies that there is a full genetic continuity from ancient to contemporary times.


schöne grüße an artemi übringens ;^^;

Indem sinne, ist es alles mal wieder Dünnschiss was ihr labert :lol:

hellenic zB. interessiert sich aber nicht für "rassenscheisse", genauso wenig wie die meisten von euch. ;) daher gar nicht schlimm, wenn man seinen kopf in die jüngere gr. geschichte reinsteckt und sehr interessante sachen findet. ethno-kulturell gesehen ist bei euch griechen viel umgewälzt worden. aber wie soll man auch seit 2000 v. chr. bis 2000 n. chr. sprache/kultur/traditionen ununterbrochen von generation zu generation weiterpflegen ohne unterbrechungen. wären die arvaniten & vlachen (die natürlich fleissig selber assimiliert haben) keine orthodoxen gewesen, au weija. wie schon gesagt, jeder hat seine "fehler" in der geschichte. ein aussehenstehender müsste ja denken es streiten sich slavo-bulgaren mit arvanitovlachen um irgendein antikes erbe.

ich nenn euch trotzdem nicht albaner/vlachen/Sinti und Roma/afrikaner so wie manch anderer... ihr seid halt (wieder) griechen. :cool: