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FYROM - Republike Iliride

Leute, benimmt euch, der Thread hat bisher einen guten Verlauf und hat so manchen User zu neuen Erkenntnissen geführt.
Beherrscht euch, keinen Spam, keine Beleidigungen.
Ich ermuntere euch dazu.
In the late 1980s when the autonomy of the province of Kosovo was revoked, and the repression of the Albanian population significantly increased, these developments also took place in the Socialist Republic of Macedonia. The Albanian language was removed from public sight, Albanian families were prohibited from naming their children with Albanian names on the ground that it caused divisions with the other communities in the republic, and finally, to lower the significantly high birth rate of the Albanian population, Albanian families were prohibited from having more than two children (Milosavlevski and Tomovski, 1997:205, and Politika ekspres 10-6-1986). This assimilative campaign can be clearly seen by the fact that in 1990 the amended Constitution redefined the state from "a state of the Macedonian people and the Albanian and Turkish nationalities" to a "national state of the Macedonian people" (Poulton, 1995:122).
Verstehe nicht, in the late 80's war noch Jugoslawien? Ausserdem ist von Kosovo die Rede?
Qato kontrolla i bojshin sidomos me ata ku kan pas pak lidhje me politiken edhe me ushtrijen ton ather ne 2001/02
kto kontrolla edhe neper preshev i kan bo edhe hala i bojn se menojn mos po gjejn najsen e tane e rrasin nburg, per pismileta jan pismileta amo skena shka me bo, ja mu myt me kta ja spo ki deniher tjeter zgjidhje

Po, shum pismileta po ka amo unë po nervozona kur bahen Shqptart rasista me than: "Kejt jan njejt."

Viele verstehen mich hier falsch. Warum wollen bei uns so viele nicht sehen, dass wir schlussendlich alle in erster Linie Menschen sind?
Irgendwann wird es keine Länder mehr geben und dann werden sie über uns lachen, das kannst du mir glauben..
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Lern erstmal wer Spiderman ist. Das kotzt mich an.
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Metho, wenn dir mein Wort nicht reicht, dann hier eine Quelle...

In the late 1980s when the autonomy of the province of Kosovo was revoked, and the repression of the Albanian population significantly increased, these developments also took place in the Socialist Republic of Macedonia. The Albanian language was removed from public sight, Albanian families were prohibited from naming their children with Albanian names on the ground that it caused divisions with the other communities in the republic, and finally, to lower the significantly high birth rate of the Albanian population, Albanian families were prohibited from having more than two children

Albanians in the Republic of Macedonia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hier noch mals für dich, Blackjack. Falls du es immernoch nicht glauben willst.
Leute, benimmt euch, der Thread hat bisher einen guten Verlauf und hat so manchen User zu neuen Erkenntnissen geführt.
Beherrscht euch, keinen Spam, keine Beleidigungen.
Ich ermuntere euch dazu.

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    Sie haben keine Berechtigung Anhänge anzusehen. Anhänge sind ausgeblendet.