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Hellenic Army - Info & Gallery

Εξοπλιστικά: Τον Μάρτιο τα πρώτα Rafale στην Ελλάδα- Μέσα στο 2021 η προμήθεια 6 αεροσκαφών F-35​

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The United States, at the highest levels, has welcomed Greece’s interest in acquiring the F-35 for the Hellenic Air Force. We have signaled our support for procurement and are working closely together on a future acquisition program, which would enhance Greece’s defense capabilities, ensure interoperability with U.S. Armed Forces and improve regional stability. All reports to the contrary are false and misrepresentations of U.S. policy.

The U.S.-Greece defense relationship is at an all-time high and is one of America’s strongest military relationships in Europe. We take great pride in our defense and security partnership with Greece and work daily to advance that from strength to strength, including through Greece’s future acquisition of the F-35. The path to acquisition of the F-35 is a multi-year process that would naturally build upon the successes realized in Greece’s F-16 Viper upgrade program.

Das ist der vollständige Text von der Stellungnahme. Und jetzt übersetze mir den letzten Satz.
Die militärischen Übungen Medusa gehen ab morgen im östlichen Mittelmeer los. Die 5 Länder unten werden teilnehmen es geht bis zum 6 Dezember vor allem die luftwaffen werden Proben

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