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IS-Zelle mitten in Bosnien

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Es ist immer dasselbe, sobald man was gegen den IS schreibt oder gegen Leute, die für den IS sind, wird man von türkischen Usern attackiert.

Ihr dummen IS-Fanatiker werdet noch die Quittung bekommen.

- - - Aktualisiert - - -

Es sind keine Einzelfälle, überhaupt nicht.
Es gibt keinen hier der mit dem IS Sympathisiert, so einer wäre schnell Weg und Gesperrt, verzichte mal auf die Polemik und Verallgemeinerung. Genau wie Insider gesagt hat.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Es gibt keinen hier der mit dem IS Sympathisiert, so einer wäre schnell Weg und Gesperrt, verzichte mal auf die Polemik und Verallgemeinerung. Genau wie Insider gesagt hat.

LOL, klar doch.

Widmet euch dem Thema, statt euch mit mir und meinen angeblichen Verallgemeinerungen zu beschäftigen.

Almost 5,500 Tunisians in jihadist ranks: UN experts

Tunis (AFP) - UN experts said Friday that almost 5,500 Tunisians are fighting alongside jihadists abroad, urging Tunis to adopt a "national strategic plan" to curb the flow.

"The number of Tunisian foreign fighters is one of the highest among those travelling to join conflicts abroad such as in Syria and Iraq," said Elzbieta Karska, current head of a UN working group on the use of mercenaries.
"Sophisticated travel networks operate to take recruits across the porous borders, and sometimes through areas where trafficking in people and illicit goods may not be effectively controlled," Karska said after an eight-day mission to Tunisia.
"Testimony has documented that the routes taken entail travel through Libya, then Turkey and its border at Antakya, and then Syria," she said.
Karska also pointed to possible links between mercenaries and foreign recruits to groups such as the Islamic State group battling in Iraq and Syria.
"It was reported to us that recruiters in these networks are well paid –- one figure given is that of $3,000 to $10,000 per new recruit, depending on the person's qualifications," she said.
She said an estimated 4,000 Tunisians were in Syria, between 1,000 and 1,500 in Libya, 200 in Iraq, 60 in Mali and 50 in Yemen. Around 625 who have returned from Iraq are being prosecuted, the expert said.
Karska urged Tunisian authorities to adopt "a national strategic plan... (to) respond to the diverse profiles and recruitment methods... (to) ensure the comprehensive adoption of international human rights standards in all its elements".
Tunisia has brought in a raft of new security measures, including arming tourist police, since a jihadist gunman killed 38 foreign holidaymakers, 30 of them Britons, at a beach resort on June 26.
Human Rights Watch on Friday accused Tunisian authorities of "arbitrarily preventing citizens from travelling outside the country since at least March".
It said the policy affected mainly men and women under 35.
"Based on official statements, the measure is part of efforts to prevent people from joining extremist armed groups abroad," the New York-based group said.
"However, turning back citizens at the airport, without any order from a prosecutor or a court, is arbitrary and violates Tunisian and international law."

Almost 5,500 Tunisians in jihadist ranks: UN experts
Zurück zum Thema ist zwar länger her aber dennoch beängstigend, dieser Artikel kommt vom Iranischen PressTV.

[h=2]ISIL flags appear in Bosnian village: Report[/h]

Thu Feb 5, 2015 9:51PM


An entrance to the Bosnian village of Gornja Maoca decorated with ISIL signs, February 4, 2014

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The appearance of flags and emblems of the ISIL terrorist group on houses in a northeastern Bosnian village has raised concerns about the dangers posed by Takfiri militants returning from Syria and Iraq to the European state.
On Wednesday, photos emerged showing ISIL flags flying from several homes in the village of Gornja Maoca and symbols painted on a woodshed.
Bosnia's state prosecution, however, said Thursday that security forces had been dispatched to the village to remove the flags and symbols, but that they came back empty-handed.
"During the activities undertaken, ISIL flags were not found displayed," the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) said, without giving further details.
The village, which is said to be home to people with a Wahhabi ideology, has been raided by police several times over the past years due to suspected links with radical groups.
Police say up to 180 Bosnians, including women and children, have left the country to join ISIL terrorists fighting in Syria and Iraq.
Bosnia's Islamic Community has denounced those joining ISIL to fight in Iraq and Syria.
In April 2014, Bosnia passed a bill introducing prison terms of up to 10 years for Bosnians who join terrorist groups and for those who recruit them.
The Takfiri terrorist groups, with members from several Western countries, control swathes of land in Syria and Iraq, and have been carrying out horrific acts of violence such as public decapitations and crucifixions against all communities such as Shias, Sunnis, Kurds, and Christians.
Several thousand militants have traveled from Europe to Syria to join the ISIL group. Many of them have reportedly crossed the Turkish border into Syria.

Sieht mir eher nach unterdrückter Wut aus.. hat dich vielleicht ne Bosnierin abblitzen lassen ??

Dafür gibt es Therapeuten die einem bei der Bewältigung solcher Probleme helfen..

Was ein Kindergartenniveau, Bosniaken und generell Balkanvölker interessieren mich als Kurde überhaupt nicht, nur wenn ein Land eine IS-Zelle duldet, kann ich nicht still bleiben.
ach eure Brüder.. bis auf die Religion habt ihr nichts gemeinsam. wenn die Balkanmoslems nicht dumm sind halten sie sich fern von Türkei

Dann schau dir doch mal die bosniakische und türkische Küche an. Auch sprachlich haben wir was gemeinsam, auch wenn es relativ wenig ist. Und mit der Religion brauche ich garnicht anfangen, wir sind Muslime.
Kommt zum Thema zurück über das Thema Bosnier und Türken gibt es schon einen Thread wo ihr darüber Diskutieren könnt. Das ist aber nicht der Hier.