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Russische Streitkräfte

Army 2016 Messe

BMP-3 Dragoon



Im verleich zum letzten Jahr hat er seitliche Reaktiv Panzerung bekommen die Stark dem des Kurganetz-25 ähneln




Udar UGV on BMP-3 chassis.

Drohnen Panzer

Uran 9 Version


Kampfroboter vom Kalaschnikow Konzern

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Army 2016 Messe


Russia unveil new Buk-M3 medium-range surface-to-air missile system









Russian unveils model of new A-100 “Premier” airborne early warning and control aircraft


Beriev Aircraft Company with Vega Radio Engineering Corporation has been unveiled model of new A-100 “Premier” airborne early warning and control (AWACS) aircraft at the military-technical forum «Army 2016».
The new Beriev A-100 “Premier” airborne early warning and control (AWACS) aircraft will be based on the Il-76MD-90A (Il-476) transport aircraft. The Beriev A-100 is an airborne early warning and control (AWACS) aircraft currently being developed by Russia, an upgrade of the A-50.

The aircraft is based on the improved Il-476, which has new PS-90A-76 turbofans that are 15% more powerful than the D-30KP used by the Il-76. The external shape of the A-100 will be similar to the A-50, with the main radar array housed in a rotating dome mounted on two struts above the fuselage. The new Vega Premier AESA radar in the dome will have electronic steering in elevation while azimuth is control by the rotation of the dome. The array will rotate once every 5 seconds, thus improving the radar’s ability to track fast moving targets.

The A-100 Premier will make her maiden flight by 2018, a defense source told Russian media.


Udar UGV on BMP-3 chassis.



Kampfmodul ABM BSM30 30mm

Unter anderem Neuheiten SEC "Pulse 2" - automatische Waffenstation ABM M30M3 mit Pistole 2A72 (entworfen und gebaut im Jahr 2015), die für Roboter Aufklärungs- und Feuerunterstützung (BMRK) "Uran-9". Im Jahr 2016 in Abstimmung mit dem Verteidigungsministerium der Russischen Föderation, dieses Modul Panzerwagen "Tiger" ist zum nachträglichen Einbau verwendet.

RHV-35 Drone


Kalashnikov to unveil new Russian unmanned combat vehicle at «Army 2016»




T-14 Armata


Das russische Verteidigunsministerium hat mit dem Hersteller Uralvagonzavod einen Vertrag zur lieferung von 100 T14 Armata Panzern unterzeichnet.

The Russian Defense Ministry and the Uralvagonzavod machine industry company agreed contract to deliver more than 100 T-14 Armata tanks, which were used in trials and combat operations, according to the deputy defense minister.

KUBINKA, (Moscow Region) (Sputnik) – The Russian Defense Ministry and the Uralvagonzavod machine industry company signed the first contract to deliver more than 100 T-14 Armata tanks, the first batch of which is used in battlefield runs, the deputy defense minister said Tuesday. "We have a contract for the pilot batch of 100 plus machines, they are used in trials and combat operations," Yuri Borisov said at the second international military and technical forum Army-2016. Armata's operational engine has parameters of up to 1,800 horsepower, with the tank’s basic version equipped with a 1,500-horsepower engine. The tank is operated by a crew of three, housed in an armored capsule at the front. Its main armament includes a 125-mm smoothbore cannon and a 7.62-mm remote-control machine gun.

Read more: https://sputniknews.com/military/20160906/1045008276/russia-armata-tanks.html

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Bis 2018 wird es einen unbemannte Version des T-14 Armata geben


An unmanned robotic version of Russia’s advanced T-14 Armata battle tank will be created in 2018, the Russian Defense Ministry’s chief of armor and vehicle department told Sputnik on Friday.

KUBINKA (Moscow) (Sputnik) – Lt. Gen. Alexander Shevchenko pointed out that difficulties remain in solving the problems of artificial vision and interaction with the environment. "Work has been set for two years, the robotic Armata could be created in that period. This vehicle already has the capacities, only the small issues remain to be solved," Shevchenko said.

On Tuesday, Deputy Defense Minister Yuri Borisov said that the ministry and the Russian Uralvagonzavod machine industry company signed a contract for the supply of over 100 T-14 Armata tanks to the Russian army.

Read more: https://sputniknews.com/military/20160909/1045123818/unmanned-robotic-armata.html
Auf der Army 2016 Messe gibt es ein Model der Vertigen Boomerang Verion zu bestaunen


Das Mobil IFV bietet Platz für 11 Personen, 3 Crew Person und 8 motorisierte Infanterie. Das Kampfgewicht von 25 Tonnen des Produkts. Bodenfreiheit - 450 mm. Die Hauptbewaffnung ist eine 30 mm 2A42 Kanone. Es gibt auch ein Maschinengewehr 7,62-mm-Panzerabwehrraketen und "Cornet".

Auf straßen erreicht der boomerang eine Reichweite von 800 Km.




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heftig, weiß man in etwa wie hoch die Entwicklungskosten von dem Teil waren?

Besser gesagt immer noch sind.

Man hat für das Programm etwa 54 Milliarden Rubel Bereitgestellt.

Auch eine interessante stelle

Budget constraints, of course, are what torpedoed the Pentagon's last transformative effort to remake its armored forces -- the Future Combat Systems project. FCS would have invested $160 billion (or more) into creating a whole new family of weapons systems -- tanks, armored personnel carriers, and more, not unlike what Russia is now attempting to do with the Armata system. Fears that this budget could morph into a $300 billion megaprogram forced the Pentagon to shutter the FCS project in 2009. But Russia's resurgent military spending could bring it back to life.

Ob es zu diesen 2300 Einheiten allerdiengs kommen wird ist fraglich. Das Verteidigungsministerium hat angegeben nach bedarf zu kaufen.

Ein Panzer Kostet 250 Millionen Rubel
Ja so etwa es wird aber wohl noch die Mrd marke knacken.
Es wird immer weiter entwickelt und neue Versionen werden mit den Jahren erscheinen wie es bei allen Panzern ist.