wieso sieht man die Gesichter nicht?Griechenland schickt 6 Tonnen humanitäre Hilfe nach Gaza, während Kriegsverbrecher Erdogan weiter die Konflikte in Gaza schürt indem er Terroristen unterstützt und Menschen bombardieren lässt in Syrien.
Greece sends six tons of humanitarian to Gaza | eKathimerini.com
Greece’s Armed Forces have completed the transfer of six tons of humanitarian aid to Jordan that is intended for Gaza.www.ekathimerini.com
"Greece sends six tons of humanitarian to Gaza
17.01.2025 • 17:47
Greece’s Armed Forces have completed the transfer of six tons of humanitarian aid to Jordan that is intended for Gaza.
A Hellenic Air Force C-130 aircraft flew the aid, which includes medical and pharmaceutical materials as well as clothing, cleaning and personal hygiene items, to the Jordanian capital of Amman, from where it will be transported to Gaza."
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