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Wirtschaft Mazedoniens - Економија на Македонија - Economy of Macedonia (Rep. of)

Johnson Controls starts new Euro 20 mln investment in Shtip
Friday, 02 September 2011

"Johnson Controls" - the US auto interiors manufacturer - is launching its second investment in Macedonia in amount of approximately Euro 20 million. Contracts are due to be signed in the next two to three weeks, while the construction of a plant located in the Stip Technological and Industrial Zone will start in mid-October.

Premier Nikola Gruevski, who met Friday with Macedonia's project manager Steven Meylemans, said country's good business conditions have been acknowledged since the company decided to invest in Macedonia for the second time. "This investment will be a serious contribution to the Macedonian economy," the PM said.

"It is particularly significant that the company, which is multinational and famous around the world, has decided to invest in Macedonia for the second time. International investors seeking places to invest will notice this in no time. When a company decides to launch a second investment in the same country it means that it is satisfied with the conditions, communication with authorities as well as with other factors necessary for a good business climate. The plant, despite opening new jobs, is expected to boost Macedonia's export and to improve the living standards of local residents," PM Gruevski stated.

He added that the company's decision was seen as a recognition of Government's efforts made in recent years to advance business conditions and to attract investors. In 2007 and 2008, the PM noted, an important investment wave began when many companies had either started building or reserved a location for construction after signing a cooperation memorandum.

"Unfortunately, the global economic crisis halted most of the constructions, not only in Macedonia, but also in other countries as well. As the global economic crisis is lessening, the interest for building production plants, including in Macedonia, is mounting. Almost two months following the June elections, this is the fourth company to announce start of construction activities in Macedonia," PM Gruevski said after the meeting.
He noted that the Government will make efforts to enable the company to launch the construction of a plant in Stip in mid-October.
Meylemans said Macedonia was picked as a business destination, because it is competitive and first and foremost due to the support and professionalism offered by domestic institutions.
The plant will focus on producing car seat covers. Offering 1.400 jobs, it is expected to start its operations within a year to serve its European clients.

MINA Breaking News - Johnson Controls starts new Euro 20 mln investment in Shtip

Sehr gut!
Österreichische Firmen in Mazedonien

Sowohl lokale als auch internationale Investoren in der ehemaligen jugoslawischen Teilrepublik warten auf den EU-Beitritt des Landes

In Mazedonien gibt es laut Daten der Außenwirtschaft Österreich (AWO) zurzeit rund 60 Unternehmen mit österreichischer Beteiligung und mehr als 20 Unternehmen, die zu 100 Prozent in österreichischem Eigentum stehen. Die größten Unternehmen vor Ort sind EVN AG, Steiermärkische Sparkasse, Soravia Group, Hypo Leasing, Mobilkom Austria, Securicom, S&T, Tondach Gleinstätten und Knauf. Auch Porsche und Porsche Leasing mit Zentrale in Salzburg sind vor Ort. Die Versicherungen Uniqa und Vienna Insurance Group sind über Albanien in den Markt eingestiegen, die Grazer Wechselseitige hat eine Tochterfirma gegründet

Österreich steht laut Mazedonischer Nationalbank hinter den Niederlanden (ein Stahlwerk von Mittal Steel) und Ungarn (die Deutsche Telekom kaufte sich in Mazedonien über ihre ungarische Tochter ein) an dritter Stelle der ausländischen Investoren. Im Jahr 2008 kamen über 100 Millionen Euro und damit weitaus die meisten Investitionen aus Österreich, in den letzten beiden Jahren gingen die ausländischen Direktinvestitionen aber stark zurück.
Die größte Auslandsinvestition in Mazedonien kam von der österreichischen EVN AG, die 2006 für 200 Millionen Euro den nationalen Stromversorger Elektrostopanstvo na Makedonija (ESM) übernommen hatte. Hier wurde erst im vergangenen Frühjahr ein lange schwelender Rechtsstreit beigelegt: Der staatliche Energieversorger ELEM hatte von der EVN Geld für angeblich unbezahlte Rechnungen der ESM gefordert, man einigte sich heuer auf einen Vergleich samt teilweiser Forderungsabtretung.
Kaum noch Privatisierungen zu erwarten
Viel zu privatisieren gibt es in Mazedonien heute nicht mehr. Schon bald nach dem Zusammenbruch des Kommunismus wurden große Teile der einst staatlichen Wirtschaft in private Hände transferiert - was auch ein Grund dafür ist, dass es in Mazedonien einige "Oligarchen" gibt, die mittlerweile steinreich sind. Im alten jugoslawischen System gab es große Kombinate und landwirtschaftliche Firmen.
Der Tabakanbau ist auch heute noch ein sehr emotionales Thema in Mazedonien, die Tabakpflanze ist sogar Teil des Staatswappens. An den Tabak-Kombinaten soll es Interessenten sogar aus China geben. Im Wahlprogramm versprach die Regierung außerdem noch die Privatisierung des Energieproduzenten ELEN, die aus der Aufsplitterung des einstigen Monopol-Energieversorgers entstand.
Krise kam später und geht später
Die jüngste Wirtschaftskrise hat naturgemäß auch vor Mazedonien nicht Halt gemacht. 2009 ging das mazedonische BIP gegenüber dem Vorjahr um 1,8 Prozent zurück, 2010 gab es wieder einen leichten Anstieg von 0,7 Prozent auf rund 6,7 Milliarden Euro. Vor allem auch wegen der "Skopje 2014"-Bauprojekte geht es wieder leicht bergauf, aber auf niedrigem Niveau. "Die Krise ist hier später gekommen, und sie geht auch später wieder", erklärt AWO-Regionalkoordinatorin Anita Bavdaz.
Das durchschnittliche Monats-Nettoeinkommen lag 2010 bei 334 Euro, die Arbeitslosenrate liegt über 30 Prozent. Die Staatsverschuldung liegt bei ca. 28 Prozent des BIP und ist in den letzten beiden Jahren leicht angestiegen.
Preise sehr volatil
Die Inflation konnte dank einer sehr strengen vom IWF überwachten Fiskalpolitik bis 2007 auf niedrigem Niveau gehalten werden. Durch die starken Preissteigerungen im Energie- und Lebensmittelbereich kam es 2008 allerdings zu einer Inflation von mehr als acht Prozent im Jahresdurchschnitt, die 2009 aber durch monatelange Deflation auf -0,8 Prozent sank. 2010 lag sie wieder bei 1,6 Prozent, in den ersten Monaten 2011 stieg sie durch die hohen Rohstoffpreise am Weltmarkt wieder stark an.
Wie fast alle Länder der Region hat auch Mazedonien mit einer stark negativen Leistungsbilanz zu kämpfen. Trotz des starken Rückgangs der Exporte und Importe 2009 blieb das Handelsbilanzdefizit weiterhin hoch. 2010 stiegen die mazedonischen Exporte um 18,52 auf 2,3 Milliarden Euro, während die Importe nur leicht um 4,4 Prozent auf 3,8 Mrd. EUR anstiegen. Das Handelsdefizit betrug daher wieder 1,5 Milliarden Euro. Die wichtigsten Handelspartner sind Deutschland, Russland, Serbien, Griechenland und Italien bei den Importen, Deutschland, Kosovo, Bulgarien, Griechenland und Serbien bei den Exporten.
Staat kurbel an
Die Regierung versucht neben "Skopje 2014" die Wirtschaft auch durch die Schaffung so genannter "Free Economic Zones" anzukurbeln, sie stellt Landflächen samt Infrastruktur zur Verfügung.
Die österreichischen Unternehmen hoffen durch ihre Präsenz in Mazedonien aber auch, bei künftigen Infrastrukturprojekten zum Zug zu kommen. Geplant ist etwa der Bau mehrerer Wasserkraftwerke. Außerdem führen durch Mazedonien die beiden geplanten paneuropäischen Verkehrskorridore 8 und 10.
"Die Firmen sind im Prinzip zufrieden mit ihren Geschäften hier. Das Schöne an den österreichischen Unternehmen ist: Auch wenn es einmal eine Krise gibt, es geht kaum jemand weg", sagt Bavdaz.
Die AUA fliegt Skopje einmal täglich an, bis in die 90er-Jahre gab es außerdem im Sommer Charterflüge nach Ohrid. Die Verbindung nach Skopje wird hier als sehr wichtig erachtet, auch wegen des damit ermöglichten Anschlusses an das Star-Alliance-Streckennetz.
Warten auf die EU
Der EU-Fortschrittsbericht beurteilt die wirtschaftlichen Fortschritte im Land durchwegs positiv und schlägt die Aufnahme von Beitrittsverhandlungen für Mazedonien vor, was nur mehr an der nicht gelösten Namensfrage mit Griechenland scheitert. Diesbezüglich sei in Mazedonien mittlerweile "etwas der Frust eingekehrt", so Bavdaz.
Beim Namensstreit mit Griechenland geht nichts weiter. Die Vorschläge eines UN-Vermittlers liegen auf dem Tisch (etwa "Nord-Mazedonien", "Neu-Mazedonien" oder "Vardar-Mazedonien"), aber noch gibt es hier keine Fortschritte zu vermelden.
Mazedonien hat seit 2005 EU-Kandidaten-Status, seit 2001 besteht bereits ein Stabilisierungs- und Assoziierungsabkommen. Seit 19. Dezember 2009 können mazedonische Staatsbürger visafrei in den Schengen-Raum einreisen. (red)

Österreichische Firmen in Mazedonien - Mazedonien - derStandard.at
Macedonia, China vow to enhance cooperation
Macedonian Parliament Speaker Trajko Veljanovski andPrime Minister Nikola Gruevski met with a senior Chinese legislator here Thursday, andboth sides pledged to enhance cooperation in various fields.

Macedonia attaches great importance to exchanges and cooperation between the twocountries' legislative bodies, Veljanovski said when meeting with Sang Guowei, vicechairman of the Standing Committee of China's National People's Congress (NPC).

Moreover, Veljanovski said Macedonia hopes to strengthen economic and tradecooperation with China, and the country welcomes more Chinese companies to investin Macedonia.

Veljanovski also said that Macedonia is doing its best to join the European Union, andthat he believes Macedonia would be one of China's reliable partners within the bloconce it is admitted.

Afterwards, Sang met with Gruevski. Agriculture is Macedonia's pillar industry, andthere is great potential for cooperation in this field between the two countries, Gruevskisaid.

Gruevski pointed out that Macedonia is developing its infrastructure and energyindustry, and he hoped China would be part of the development.

The Macedonian prime minister also said that his country welcomes the arrival of moreChinese tourists.

Both Veljanovski and Gruevski said Macedonia values China's international status andthe role China plays on the world stage. They said Macedonia regards China as animportant force for promoting world peace and development.

They assured Sang that Macedonia would stick to the one-China policy, and Sang saidChina appreciates Macedonia's stand on this issue.

Sang said bilateral relations between China and Macedonia have made great progressin recent years, with deepened mutual political trust and mutual support on issuesregarding core interests.

Sang said the NPC is willing to strengthen cooperation with Macedonia's parliament topush the all-round relationship between China and Macedonia to a new level.

Sang and his NPC delegation visited Macedonia at the invitation of the Macedonianparliament. Their three-nation European tour started in Moldova, and their last stop willbe Finland.

Further development of the Macedonian-Russian economic cooperation was agreed
Further development of the Macedonian-Russian economic cooperation was agreed Wednesday in Moscow at the the business forum of both countries, organized within the fair 'World Food'.

The event, organized by the Macedonia's-Russian Chamber of Commerce, was attended by Macedonia's Vice-Premier and Finance Minister Zoran Stavreski and the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, Ljupco Dimovski.

"Macedonia's Government is reform-oriented and has been working on improving the business climate and the working conditions of companies. Our main objective is to obtain a sustainable economic growth by developing the private sector, attracting investments and opening new jobs. Macedonia is a candidate for the EU membership and hence its top priority is to fully meet the necessary criteria to that end," Stavreski said at the forum, at which the country's agricultural, food processing potential was presented to Russian businessmen, Bsanna News reports.

Steel Con opens EUR 3,5 million plant near Kumanovo

Macedonian company "Steel Con", along with its Dutch partner "Gerliko Group" opened a plant for rebar processing in Kumanovo village Mlado Nagoricane on Wednesday.

The EUR 3,5 million investment, including a EUR 750,000 grant from the Government of the Kingdom of Netherlands, is to open 100 jobs, whereas the rebar placement has been secured through several projects in Macedonia and abroad.

Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, who attended the opening ceremony, voiced satisfaction from the investment.

"Republic of Macedonia is increasingly seen as a business destination. Our efforts in the past period aimed at promoting the country and favorable business conditions are starting to yield results", stressed PM Gruevski.

According to him, investments such as the one by Steel Con represent an additional encouragement for the Government in further improving Macedonia's business climate.

Netherlands Ambassador to Macedonia Marriet Schuurman said the plant was another example of the growing ties between Dutch and Macedonian business partners, confirming that capital knows no boundaries, nations and distance.

Steel Con general manager Boban Todorovski said the plant opened a new chapter in the company's history, adding that the Government's proactive policy has made this type of investment a reality.

Steel Con was established in 2005 and has worked alongside the Dutch partner since last year. It has taken part in large projects in Serbia, Slovenia, Greece, Albania, Kosovo, Germany, Africa etc.

German Wine experts visiting Macedonian wineries

A ten-member group of German reporters are visiting three wineries in Macedonia. All reporters write for Wine magazines and visited Dalvino, Popov and Kamnik wineries.

They were overwhelmed by the quality of wine and investments in the sector. They were pleasantly surprised since people in Germany either don't know a whole lot about Macedonian wine or believe it is of lower quality.

A reporter says that Macedonian wine is of very good quality and wineries are very inventive and are bearers of the development of the Macedonian wine sector.

The goal of the visit is to raise the awareness of German consumers and to increase export of the Macedonian wine through their articles.

Amerikaner kauen vermehrt mazedonische Kaugummis

Makpromet aus Stip exportiert die bekannte Cunga Lunga Kaugummis in die USA. Bis jetzt Betrug das Exportvolumen 50 Tonnen jährlich, doch konnte das Unternehmen aus Ost Mazedonien seinen Export deutlich erhöhen. Jetzt werden 50 Tonnen monatlich in die USA exportiert.
"Schließlich handelt es sich um einen Markt mit 300 Millionen Verbrauchern" erklärt Managerin Danche Gjurova. "Auch haben wir viel in die Modernisierung investiert, neue Maschinen angeschafft und verwenden jetzt nur noch hochwertige Zutaten. Durch den erhöhten Export und das damit ausgesprochene Vertrauen der Verbraucher, sehen wir uns bestätigt."

Bis jetzt lag der Schwerpunkt des Unternehmens in den Ex-YU Ländern sowie Israel.

Makpromet Stip ist eine Konditorei das Bonbons, Karamelle, Lutscher und Kaugummis herstellt.

Американците џвакаат македонски мастики

Македонскиот производител на кондиторски производи Макпромет од Штип, го зголеми извозот на своите гуми за џвакање во Соединетите американски држави од досегашните 50 тони на годишно ниво, на 50 тони на месечно ниво

Со зголемувањето на извозот на оваа македонската компанија позната по производство на брендот Чунга Лунга ја започна својата стратегија за освојување на прекуокенските континенти.

„Драстичното зголемување на извозот во САД за нас претставува голем искечор напред. Сепак станува збор за пазар од над 300 милиони потрошувачи. Тоа значи дека можностите се повеќе од големи. Ваквиот извоз резултираше откако измината година вложивме големи средства во нова опрема, модернизација на производството, користење на високо квалитетни суровини. Овој нов квалитет на старо познатиот вкус на Чунга Лунга гумите за џвакање беше главен фактор за почнување на извозот со обезбедување на пласман во најголемите трговските ланци. Зголемувањето на извозот покажува дека реакциите од потрошувачите се повеќе од позитивни, а за нас е вистински знак дека сме на вистинскиот пат“, изјави Данче Ѓурова, менаџер за кондиториски производи од Макпромет Штип.

Досега акцентот во извозот беше ставен на европскиот пазар, земјите од поранешна Југославија, како и во Израел. Со зголемувањето на извозот во САД, се овозможува зајакнување и подобро позиционирање на фабриката, но и нејзиниот производ кој сите го сакаат, гумите за џвакање Чунга Лунга.

„Голем дел од позитивните резултати се благодарение на активните чекори кои го преземаме во поглед на промоцијата на овој македонски бренд. Тука се разбира како еден од клучните фактори е редовното учество на саеми, како што е најреномираниот саем за кондиторски производи во Келн, Германија. Со учество пак на саемот во Дубаи во месец октомври оваа година плановите се да го започнеме освојување на азиските земји со македонската гума за џквакање“, додаде Ѓурова.

Макпромет Штип произведува различни кондиторски производи како бонбони, карамели, лижавки, гуми за џвакање.

weiss zufällig jemand, was man alles bräuchte, um in MK selbständig zu werden bzw. wie einfach wäre das?

Hab da so ne Idee, mit dem Solarbusiness in MK einzusteigen, und zwar als Distributor von meinem aktuellen AG, wo ich mich von MK aus um Südosteuropa kümmere. Ein paar Kunden haben wir mittlerweile in GR und BG. MK hätte mit Sicherheit Potential und am Know-how würde es von meiner Seite aus nicht mangeln. Frage ist halt nur, wie einfach alles wäre zwecks Bürokratie und so.

An Sonne mangelts bei uns ja auch nicht.

weiss zufällig jemand, was man alles bräuchte, um in MK selbständig zu werden bzw. wie einfach wäre das?

Hab da so ne Idee, mit dem Solarbusiness in MK einzusteigen, und zwar als Distributor von meinem aktuellen AG, wo ich mich von MK aus um Südosteuropa kümmere. Ein paar Kunden haben wir mittlerweile in GR und BG. MK hätte mit Sicherheit Potential und am Know-how würde es von meiner Seite aus nicht mangeln. Frage ist halt nur, wie einfach alles wäre zwecks Bürokratie und so.

An Sonne mangelts bei uns ja auch nicht.

Es gibt Leute (Notare) die erledigen sowas komplett für einen minimalen Betrag, da würde ich an deiner Stelle in Tetovo (bzw. den gedachten Standort) fragen o. in in den Kleinanzeigen suchen.
EBRD financing to modernise Macedonian road infrastructure
The EBRD is supporting further modernisation of Macedonian road infrastructure with a €107 million sovereign loan to finance the construction of a new section of the north-south Corridor X.

Corridor X is one of the two principal transport routes in Macedonia along with Corridor VIII. It connects the country to Serbia and with the rest of Europe in the north, and with Greece in the south.

The EBRD loan will be used to co-finance the construction of a new 28 kilometres segment of motorway between the towns of Demir Kapija and Smokvica in south-eastern part of the country. The project will allow Corridor X to achieve full motorway standard for its entire length in Macedonia.

In addition the EBRD funds will finance the construction and refurbishment of toll stations and installation of the necessary equipment to introduce Electronic Toll Collections (ETC) in Macedonia.

The project will support further reform of the Macedonian roads sector through the introduction of ETC performance-based contracts and the establishment of a dedicated Public-Private Partnership unit, as well as by setting milestones for the preparation of a concession for Corridor VIII.

“The construction of the new motorway is vital for the Macedonian economy as well as for regional integration as a whole. Corridor X is a key regional transport link and the EBRD has been supporting its modernisation with investments in both rail and road in Hungary, Croatia, Serbia and Macedonia, worth a total of €854 million,” said Sue Barrett, EBRD Director for Transport.

“Today’s event is another confirmation that the EBRD is focused on supporting projects in sectors identified by the Macedonian Government as priority areas for the forthcoming period. I would like to emphasise that the government will continue to support capital infrastructure projects that will contribute to increasing the competitiveness of the national economy, and achieving stronger and more balanced economic growth,” said Zoran Stavreski, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance.

The EBRD loan is supported by €650,000 in grant financing from the Bank’s Shareholder Special Fund for technical assistance. The construction of the new motorway segment is co-financed by the EU’s Instrument for Pre-accession and the European Investment Bank.

To date the EBRD has invested over €715 million in the Macedonian economy through projects in the corporate, financial, infrastructure and energy sectors. The EBRD funds have attracted additional investments worth €700 million from other sources.
GDP's growth rate is 5.3% in second quarter

Growth rate of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in the second quarter of 2011 was 5.3%, data provided by the State Statistical Office show.

In this quarter, an increase was registered in most of the sections, with the biggest increase being recorded in the following sections: construction by 26.0%, wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and personal and household goods by 18.0%, and mining and quarrying, manufacturing and electricity, gas and water supply by 12.8%.

Household final consumption, including non-profit institutions serving households, increased by 12.5% in nominal terms compared to the same period of 2010, and its share in the GDP structure was 75.1%.

In the same period, export of goods and services increased by 25.5% in nominal terms, while import of goods and services rose by 15.6%.

Veles Company Fixing Kosovo's Trains

Veles-based company Kolska is working for regional markets. Apart from three passengers’ wagons for the Macedonian railway company, Kolska is repairing cargo wagons from Kosovo.

Eight wagons have already been repaired and another 16 will be repaired in the next two months. All these wagons are owned by Kosovo-based company Fero-nikal, with which Kolska signed a EUR 350,000 worth agreement. This is the first agreement signed with a foreign partner in the past ten years.

"Workers have not gone on strike for a long time, people are satisfied with Kolska. This is a proof that the company can be competitive on the Balkan market and I hope this is just a beginning of a beautiful future of the company," said head of the company Atanasovski.

Ambassador initiates Macedonia-Israel business forum
Israeli Ambassador to Macedonia David Cohen has initiated the organization of a business forum between Macedonian and Israeli companies in Skopje by the year-end.

Ambassador Cohen, who met with Economy Minister Valon Saracini on Thursday, said such meeting would represent an excellent opportunity to stress the significance of the Macedonia-Israel Business Club, established in 2010.

Saracini presented the ministry's challenges, with emphasis on tourism and related projects, as well as the necessity for joint performance of regional countries on the global tourism market. In this context, he mentioned project "Different Countries, Different Products", which involves Turkey, Israel, Netherlands and France.

The Economy Minister also presented current and future energy projects and participation of Israeli companies in Macedonian tenders, along with the possibility of Israel hosting a business forum.

Cohen invited Saracini and representatives of the tourism sector to a tourism fair in Tel Aviv in February 2012, which would be an opportunity for a meeting with Israel's Minister of Tourism, followed by a return visit.
100 US Companies Offered Benefits to Invest in Macedonia
Monday, 26 September 2011

Representatives of some hundred US companies gathered in the elite Harvard Business Club a few days ago in order to obtain information about terms of investments in Macedonia.

Government economic team offered interested US companies a series of benefits, low taxes and fair investment terms.

In the first quarter of 2011, a remarkably high growth of GDP (5.1 percent) was recorded. According to the latest data, in the second quarter of 2011, the GDP growth reached 5.3 percent, while in the first six months, it increased by 5.2 percent, which is a positive sign.

Current projections say Macedonia will close the year with a growth of 3.5 percent or even higher, PM Nikola Gruevski says.

German Auto Industry Interested in Investing in Macedonia
Monday, 26 September 2011

Successful story of Knauf Radika in Macedonia attracts other German investors. According to the Macedonian-German Economic Association, Knauf Radika is an excellent example. It is a large and successful company with a potential that needs to be used.

According to announcements, another two large German automobile industries are interested in investing in Macedonia, especially because of very favourable business climate.

Knauf Radika, whose products are made in accordance with global standards and demanded across the entire world, continues with its investments with a goal to raise productivity, Todor Delovski, head of Knauf for the Western Balkans, says.