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Zitate über Griechen und Griechenland (Antike,Mittelalter,Neuzeit)

"How can any educated person stay away from the Greeks? I have always been far more interested in them than in science

(Albert Einstein)

"I am sorry because I am getting old and I shall not live long to thank the Greek People, whose resistance decided WW II."

(Joseph Stalin)

"I hate the Greeks because they didnt leave us anything to discover, just to develope"


"Nobody can say a word against Greece, it stamps a man at once as an educated gentleman"

(George Bernard Shaw)

«If you see us as Turks, you make a big mistake. We have nothing to be called Turkish, what we have is taken from the Greeks. Even the name of my son, Efe, isGreek”.«We have nothing turkish in our culture. All the elements are Greek!».
Turgut Ozal :gr3:
Eine kleine zusammen Setzung des Balkanforums sorry für den weiteren Spam aber der Threart ist sowieso im arsch seid dem jeder Griechen-hater jeden scheiß hier rein schreiben kann und kein Mod irgendwas macht.

Goethe ist Türke
Atatürk Albaner
Alexander Slawe
Und zu guter letzt Klokrass zählt seine ungewaschenen Finger wen er Griechen die Hand gibt.:)
«If you see us as Turks, you make a big mistake. We have nothing to be called Turkish, what we have is taken from the Greeks. Even the name of my son, Efe, isGreek”.«We have nothing turkish in our culture. All the elements are Greek!».
Turgut Ozal :gr3:[/QUOTE]

Dieses Zitat steht nicht in seinem Buch.
«If you see us as Turks, you make a big mistake. We have nothing to be called Turkish, what we have is taken from the Greeks. Even the name of my son, Efe, isGreek”.«We have nothing turkish in our culture. All the elements are Greek!».
Turgut Ozal :gr3:

Dieses Zitat steht nicht in seinem Buch.[/QUOTE]

Aber na klar :)