Ich glaube, ihr habt unterschiedliche Vorstellungen vom Begriff Freiwilligkeit.
Ich hab diesen Text hier neulich in einem Blog gefunden und finde ihn relativ treffend.
wobei hierbei Kopftuch im Vergleich zu Burka noch Kindergeburtstag ist.
Ich hab diesen Text hier neulich in einem Blog gefunden und finde ihn relativ treffend.
The day that women are not forced to wear the hijab or the niqab, through slut-shaming or other verbal and physical means,
The day the advocates of the hijab or niqab stop comparing "uncovered" women with uncovered lollipops that attract house flies,
The day that the advocates and adherents of hijab and niqab would stop shaming me for showing cleavage,
The day that the advocates and the adherents would stop telling and believing that the way a woman dresses has something to do with rape,
The day women wearing hijab or niqab stop fearing hellfire as a consequence of taking the hijab or the niqab off,
The day that women in Muslim cultures are as free to wear bikinis and revealing clothes as they are when it comes to wearing the hijab or the niqab,
The day that revealing parts of your parts of your body or your whole body would have nothing what-so-ever to do with losing your and your family's "honour"...
That day, that will be the day when I would say that niqab and hijab are free of all oppression and are truly "free" choices. Until then, no number of women saying, "My choice. My choice. My choice" would keep me from criticizing the hijab and the niqab. And nor should it stop you.
wobei hierbei Kopftuch im Vergleich zu Burka noch Kindergeburtstag ist.