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Nachrichten aus der Türkei

Das wird noch lustig,mal schauen wer diesen Machtkampf gewinnt.
Mal schauen ob die EU jetzt die Türkei auch sanktioniert.
Danke EU,ihr seit auf dem besten Weg euch in die Bedeutungslosigkeit zu beamen...
Erdoğan: “The USA Never Landed on the Moon”

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan makes another scandalous statement. As he declared, US moon-landing was a hoax and world should know the truth behind the Apollo missions.
Addressing a meeting in Izmir on global warming, Erdogan said USA has to finally admit that astronauts never landed on the moon and it was staged in the Hollywood. He also appealed to other leaders of the world to back him up.
“Every president, PM or chancellor know the truth about US moon hoax. When we are elected to the cabinets, we get the black suitcase where all secrets of the world are kept. I was shocked when I learned that US never went to the moon,” Erdogan said. “The leaders are supposed to keep this secrets and never tell, but it is time for honesty.”
Turkish president promised that he will reveal more secrets when the time is right.
Erdo?an: "The USA Never Landed on the Moon"

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Ganz ehrlich. Es fällt mir nicht mal schwer deinen Worten keinen Glauben zu schenken,weil du in der Vergangenheit deine Position zu radikal unter Beweis gestellt hast.

Mach den Leuten nichts vor.

Dir fällt das Vertrauen, ich bin der gute hier:emir:
Erdoğan: “The USA Never Landed on the Moon”

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan makes another scandalous statement. As he declared, US moon-landing was a hoax and world should know the truth behind the Apollo missions.

Addressing a meeting in Izmir on global warming, Erdogan said USA has to finally admit that astronauts never landed on the moon and it was staged in the Hollywood. He also appealed to other leaders of the world to back him up.

“Every president, PM or chancellor know the truth about US moon hoax. When we are elected to the cabinets, we get the black suitcase where all secrets of the world are kept. I was shocked when I learned that US never went to the moon,” Erdogan said. “The leaders are supposed to keep this secrets and never tell, but it is time for honesty.”

Turkish president promised that he will reveal more secrets when the time is right.
Erdo?an: "The USA Never Landed on the Moon"

Erdogan gefällt mir immer mehr.
Hoffentlich bleibt er sich treu, die Nachricht oben ist auf jeden Fall ermutigend.
Erdoğan: “The USA Never Landed on the Moon”

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan makes another scandalous statement. As he declared, US moon-landing was a hoax and world should know the truth behind the Apollo missions.
Addressing a meeting in Izmir on global warming, Erdogan said USA has to finally admit that astronauts never landed on the moon and it was staged in the Hollywood. He also appealed to other leaders of the world to back him up.
“Every president, PM or chancellor know the truth about US moon hoax. When we are elected to the cabinets, we get the black suitcase where all secrets of the world are kept. I was shocked when I learned that US never went to the moon,” Erdogan said. “The leaders are supposed to keep this secrets and never tell, but it is time for honesty.”
Turkish president promised that he will reveal more secrets when the time is right.
Erdo?an: "The USA Never Landed on the Moon"

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Dir fällt das Vertrauen, ich bin der gute hier:emir:

Sonne, da ist schon was dran, es gab doch mal ein Video wo auf den Mondsteinen Nummern waren ^^
Hast du einen Beweis dafür?

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Wenn es so wäre, da hätten die Russen es aufgedeckt, mit der Technik die die Russen hatten, hätten sie die Amis vorführen können.

Aber das ist nicht passiert.

Die Russen glauben doch nicht mal daran bzw. die Mehrheit so fern ich das hier beurteilen kann.
Erdoğan: “The USA Never Landed on the Moon”

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan makes another scandalous statement. As he declared, US moon-landing was a hoax and world should know the truth behind the Apollo missions.
Addressing a meeting in Izmir on global warming, Erdogan said USA has to finally admit that astronauts never landed on the moon and it was staged in the Hollywood. He also appealed to other leaders of the world to back him up.
“Every president, PM or chancellor know the truth about US moon hoax. When we are elected to the cabinets, we get the black suitcase where all secrets of the world are kept. I was shocked when I learned that US never went to the moon,” Erdogan said. “The leaders are supposed to keep this secrets and never tell, but it is time for honesty.”
Turkish president promised that he will reveal more secrets when the time is right.
Erdo?an: "The USA Never Landed on the Moon"

Das ist doch wohl eine Ente? Oder es ist ihm ein Ziegelstein in seinem neuen Palast auf den Kopf gefallen