Das Phänomen, was ich über Grüne und SPD festgestellt habe, stellt Geraghty auch über Biden fest: Die Aussetzung der Schuldenbremse, die Grüne und Co. ohnehin wollten, begründen sie jetzt mit "den Folgen des Ukrainekrieges"... Geraghty schreibt Entsprechendes über Biden:
High inflation, which we insisted was transitory, just won’t go away? That’s just more evidence that we need another big-spending bill, renamed the “Inflation Reduction Act.”
Record-high gasoline prices? That’s why we need more wind farms, tax benefits for solar panels, and electric-vehicle mandates!
The Iranian regime is getting even more aggressive, targeting American citizens on American soil? That’s why we need to try even harder to restore the Iranian nuclear deal!
The pandemic is over? That’s why we need to give student-loan recipients $10,000 in debt forgiveness!
There’s no sequence of events that can spur Biden or his allies to say, “well, we would have liked to enact policy X, but based on the course of events, this clearly isn’t the right time.” When the news is good, it means it is time to enact the rest of their agenda. When the news is bad, it means it is time to enact the rest of their agenda.

The Democrats’ Unwillingness to Deviate from Their Pre-2020 Agenda | National Review
No matter how the economy or the world changes, Biden and the Democrats’ agenda remains the same.