Alles klar, teile mir bitte den Namen Deiner Stadt/Ortschaft mit, ich werde eine Behandlungsmöglichkeit finden...![]()
Alles klar, teile mir bitte den Namen Deiner Stadt/Ortschaft mit, ich werde eine Behandlungsmöglichkeit finden...![]()
Drumpf fängt jetzt schon an, über vermeintlichen "Wahlbetrug" zu reden
[FONT="]Indiana's chief elections official says thousands of voter registrations have been altered, raising concerns about possible fraud.
[/FONT][FONT="]Secretary of State Connie Lawson said in a statement Tuesday that Indiana's online voter registration database wasn't hacked but records were changed on paper forms, online and at Bureau of Motor Vehicles offices.
Unfortunately, the embarrassing video caused Creamer to subsequently resign from consulting the Hillary campaign as he issued a statement saying that he was "stepping back from my responsibilities working the [Hillary] campaign" over fears that his continued assistance would be a distraction for the campaign.
But voter fraud isn't Creamer's only criminal specialty. A quick look at Wikipedia reveals that Creamer spent 5 months in federal prison back in 2006 for a "$2.3 million bank fraud in relation to his operation of public interest groups in the 1990s."
So, with that kind of history, you can imagine our surprise when we discovered that a Mr. Robert Creamer showed up on the White House visitor logs 340 times beginning in 2009 when Obama took office and culminating with his latest visit in June 2016. Moreover, in 45 of those instances, Creamer was scheduled to meet with POTUS himself. Perhaps this is just two old Chicago "community organizers" hanging out?
According to his website bio, Creamer has been a "political organizer and strategist for over four decades" and has been very involved with the Obama administration over the years. He even"provided strategic advice" to Obama on the "Iran nuclear deal." Ironically, Creamer "began his organizing career in 1970 working with Chicago’s Citizen Action Program (CAP), which had been organized by Saul Alinsky’s Industrial Areas Foundation."
Da müssen wir Sakib fragen denn er sitzt direkt an der Quelle als "Amerikanische Beobachtungsstelle für wikileaks".Jetzt würde ich doch gern von den Leuten, die von einem "Betrugssystem" schwafeln, hören, wie solche Wahlergebnisse zustande kommen können??? Entweder die Wahlergebnisse sind O.K., oder beide Seiten müssen bescheissen, eine dritte Möglichkeit gibts nicht...
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